Questions tagged [bitcoin]

GENERAL BITCOIN QUESTIONS CAN BE ASKED ON Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency with no central authority. Transactions are managed entirely by the network. Please ask only programming questions about Bitcoin.

is a 1st generation, open source, peer-to-peer digital cryptocurrency and a distributed payment network with no central authority. Transactions are managed entirely by the network in a decentralized manner. These transactions are verified by network nodes through the use of cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a .

Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. As of February 2015, over 100,000 merchants and vendors accepted bitcoin as payment.

The official website of is

There's also a Bitcoin StackExchange site that's dedicated to Bitcoin.

1807 questions
3 answers

Omitting core dumps via C a #define (or other in code/compile time solutions)?

I understand that the operating system generates a core dump sometimes when a signal is sent (usually upon a crash). Is there a way to tell the operating system from inside C/C++ via a #define or compiler flag that no, or a somehow specifically…
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1 answer

Going from BIP39 (mnemonic) to BIP32 (public/private keys)

I'm looking to develop some code, that creates Bitcoin private and public keys from a mnemonic. My current understanding of this process is: entropy > nmemonic > seed > public/private keys > public address I am using Trezor's nmemonic library and…
Robert Johnstone
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1 answer

Difference between IPFS and Filecoin?

They both seems to store files in a decentralized network. So what's the difference between them in terms of data structure and algorithms they use? And also what's the difference between them in terms of use cases? If I store a file in IPFS or…
Narayan Prusty
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1 answer

Base58Check encoding for Bitcoin addresses too long

I'm trying to create a Bitcoin address with Python. I got the hashing part right, but I have some trouble with the Base58Check encoding. I use this package: Here is an example: import base58 unencoded_string =…
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3 answers

Canceling a Bitcoin transaction

I am writing a bitcoin app and looking to implement a 'cancel' feature. All over reddit are references that if under 3 confirmation have occurred, technically a payment can be stopped. Maybe only a minute or 2 available, but still. I cannot find any…
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3 answers

How to create a genesis block of my altercoin?

I create my new altercoin,but when I first run it,it already shows:"No block source available 5 week(s) behind". And I start anther computer in the LAN, they link succefully. I use the code of Datacoin. static const uint256…
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0 answers

Implementing secp256k1 (ECDSA) in PHP (for Bitcoin)

To keen downvoters and/or closers: If you think this is offtopic for SO, kindly point me out other StackExchange site where this question would be more appropriate. How to implement ECDSA curve secp256k1 in PHP? Or rather: Are there any solutions -…
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1 answer

Bitstamp - new authentication in C# - signature

The new authentication of bitstamp says the following: Signature is a HMAC-SHA256 encoded message containing: nonce, client ID and API key. The HMAC-SHA256 code must be generated using a secret key that was generated with your API key. This code…
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1 answer

Accepting Bitcoins on Heroku

From what I've read, conventional wisdom is to generate a new Bitcoin address for each payment you're going to receive. However, since Heroku's file system is read only, where would you store the keys for each new address? is…
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3 answers

Wallet file not specified (must request wallet RPC through /wallet/ uri-path). error when backuping wallet using BitcoinLib in C#

I'm currently working on a little program for backing up your Bitcoin Core wallet. I am using BitcoinLib v1.15.0 in C#. IBitcoinService bitcoinService = new BitcoinService("", "test", "test", "",…
1 answer

How can I get a list of the 300 first coins of coingecko API by marketcap?

If I make a request to get the full list of coingecko coins using with and get the ids of each coins taking the 'id' entry. Then I can loop on all coins id with…
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1 answer

Do blockchains contain a websocket server?

I was recently reading about blockchains and am very intrigued by this technology. I had a few questions regarding blockchains: Do Blockchains use web-sockets to transmit information between users? If yes then is the information(blocks) sent always…
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1 answer

Python: Real-Time Streaming Data

I am trying to capture real-time streaming financial time data via Python. I want to initially store the information in a database and then at a later date further develop a program to analyze and make trading decisions based on this data. It would…
Sinan Reis
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1 answer

Can't authenticate using Socketcluster V2 for Coinigy Exchange websocket ticker api

I'm trying to use the ticker data for the Coinigy websocket api, to get the stream of real time trades and prices of crypto assets. I've tried the following demo with no success, and I get a response of: "Socket is not authenticated" internal class…
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1 answer

Send raw bitcoin transaction with js?

I'm trying to make a little web app (just for learning purposes), where I can push on a button, and it will send some bitcoin from (my own) bitcoin wallet A to bitcoin wallet B. I've managed to learn some stuff about bitcoin, the blockchain, and…
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