Questions tagged [behat]

Behat is a php framework for autotesting your business expectations. It's a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for PHP, initially inspired by Ruby's Cucumber project. Now it's not only accepted as a PHP implementation of Cucumber, but it provides some quite unique features the original didn't have.

Behat is a php framework for autotesting your business expectations. It's a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for PHP, initially inspired by Ruby's Cucumber project. Now it's not only accepted as a PHP implementation of Cucumber, but it provides some quite unique features the original didn't have.

1099 questions
2 answers

Selenium : The expression is not a legal expression / Xpath

I'm playing with Behat and Selenium server. I'm trying to target a specific tag based on its position in the document. I use AquaPath, a GUI to play with XPath and works fine. My problem is that when i try the same expression in Behat/Selenium, i…
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1 answer

symfony2, behat and mink: accessing the container after redirect

I have a behat+mink scenario where a step visits a URL (mink), and the controller puts something into the a service in the container performs a redirect to another URL The problem is that the controller redirect resets the container, so the…
Elvis Ciotti
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1 answer

mink-goutte-driver. Can't install fabpot/goutte on Symfony 2.0

I am using composer with Symfony 2.0.15 and migrating to latest Behat 2.4. This is in my composer.json: "require-dev": { "behat/behat": "2.4@stable", "behat/mink-extension": "*", "behat/symfony2-extension": "*", …
Anton Babenko
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1 answer

I can not run sahi

Possible Duplicate: sahi and symfony2 I would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2. In my file config_test.yml I have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session:…
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1 answer

sahi and symfony2

i would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2 so, in my config_test.yml i have mink: base_url: http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php default_session: symfony sahi: ~ and in test.feature …
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2 answers

functionals tests with behat, mink and symfony2

I'm trying to test the bundles Behat and Mink, but I have a problem I well installed the bundles I have launched: php app / console test-e = Behat - init @ AcmeDemoBundle, the folder Features was created I wrote a scenario in essai.feature I have…
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3 answers

behat mink symfony2 Warning

I try to make functional tests with the bundle Behat and Mink However, after having installed the Bundle and all, I issued the command php app / console test-e = Behat - init @ AcmeDemoBundle but I get this error: PHP Warning: require_once (C: \…
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1 answer

Behat Installation on Windows

I have been installed behat in xampp (windows). I used a PEAR to install it. but when I am runing with console, its not work, because need some file on Symfony framework. the error message can see on this picture:
Fendi Tri Cahyono
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1 answer

symfony2 / behat / mink login troubles when testing in the browser

I have troubles executing a behat/mink test routine in the browser. I have tried sahi and selenium divers, the result is the same: I run the test, sahi opens the login modal-popup, but does not fill in username and password. Clicking "submit" does…
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1 answer

Generate custom steps with behat

I try to write a custom step that's generate step my code looks like : /** * @Then /^Check_raoul$/ */ public function checkRaoul() { // grab the content ... // get players ... $to_return = array(); foreach ($players as $player)…
1 answer

Any available reporting tool for Behat/Mink?

Is there any available tools to analyse the output of the functionnal tests i launched with Behat/Mink ? Something like : how many times i launched this scenario how many times it failed how many times it passed maybe even show warning when a…
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1 answer

How do I use behat to verify all state listed in the option drop down