Questions tagged [behat]

Behat is a php framework for autotesting your business expectations. It's a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for PHP, initially inspired by Ruby's Cucumber project. Now it's not only accepted as a PHP implementation of Cucumber, but it provides some quite unique features the original didn't have.

Behat is a php framework for autotesting your business expectations. It's a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for PHP, initially inspired by Ruby's Cucumber project. Now it's not only accepted as a PHP implementation of Cucumber, but it provides some quite unique features the original didn't have.

1099 questions
1 answer

Use behat with jenkins in amazon ec2 server

How can I setup and configure behat,ahoy,docker with jenkins in amazon ec2 server? I want to run my behat feature's every time I push something in my Git A/c with help of jenkins and sauce labs in the ec2 server.
Amit Dinda
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2 answers

PHP String Comparision

I am using below PHP function in Behat Mink to check the Email column values are in ascending or descending order.But the problem is its always fails.I just want to check if the subject or From of Email column in all rows are in ascending and…
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1 answer

How to press Keyboard keys using PHP in Behat?

I'm using Behat with Mink functions and some custom functions to automate some websites. I hit a bump where I need to click 2 options from a list. Manually I need to press the "Control" button to select the second option. I'm trying to find help…
1 answer

Difference between Behat and selenium webdriver automation tool

Major difference between "Behat" and "Selenium Webdriver" automation tool
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