Questions tagged [bcc]

A BCC (blind carbon copy; also Bcc) is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message.

In the context of correspondence, blind carbon copy (abbreviated Bcc:) refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in a way that conceals the fact that there may be additional addresses from the complete list of recipients. This concept originally applied to paper correspondence and now also applies to email.
This is in contrast to To and CC recipients, whose addresses do appear in the respective header lines. Every recipient of the message can see all the To and CC recipients, but does not know about BCC recipients.

163 questions
4 answers

What is the best Separator to Separate Multiple Emails?

I am using mailto link to populate bcc of users default email program. $mem_email=" "; $sql="SELECT email_address FROM employee"; $contacts = $db->query($sql); while($contact = $db->fetchByAssoc($contacts)) { if($contact['email_address']!=""…
Mansoor Jafar
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5 answers

How to Set a Outlook rule to classify email received by BCC?

I am in diff distribution list like A , B , C There are a lot of email BCC to A , B ,C I want to setup rules that "Move all mail bcc to specific Distribution list to specific folder " It seems that no rules on "BCC" ,
Shawn Zhang
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2 answers

PHP Email sending BCC

I know there are a few similar questions to this but I just can't get it working. Ok, I have a list of emails grabbed from my database in a variable called $emailList. I can get my code to send an email from a form if I put the variable in the $to…
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4 answers

php mail bcc multiple recipients

How do I make a bcc mail? If I send that mail, It shows me all the recipients! $to=array(); $members_query = mysql_query("select email from members"); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($members_query) ) { array_push($to, $row['email']); } // To…
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2 answers

Sending BCC emails using a SMTP server?

I've had this noted down on some of my code for a while: /** * Add a BCC. * * Note that according to the conventions of the SMTP protocol all * addresses, including BCC addresses, are included in every email as it * is sent over the Internet.…
Alix Axel
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3 answers

PHP E-mail Efficiency (BCC vs individual e-mails)

Our web-based PHP software currently sends out a newsletter to anywhere between 1-2000 recipients. Often the newsletter has a PDF attachment (15KB-5MB). The newsletter does not need to be customized to the individual recipients. Question: Is it…
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8 answers

Sending Mail via SMTP in C# using BCC without TO

I am trying to use the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class in C# to create an email that is sent to a list of email addresses all via BCC. I do not want to include a TO address, but it seems that I must because I get an exception if I use an empty…
Brad Barker
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1 answer

BCC in Mailgun Batch Send does not include substitutions

I am sending a set of email messages via Mailgun using the Batch Sending feature of their API, with a call like this: rv = "" % mailgun_domain, auth=("api", mailgun_key), data={"from":…
Scott Hunter
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1 answer

How to send mail only to bcc with mailgun php API?

I am trying to send mail only to Bcc but unable to send. Code given below is working fine with To and Bcc but when i try to send only with Bcc it fails. I tried passing empty string with To but didnt work. I am using mailgun php API. function…
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How to send to BCC address when using PHPMailer to format MIME message for Gmail API?

I am using PHPMailer to build an email message. I am using PHPMailer only for MIME message formatting, not sending. I then extract the raw message from the PHPMailer object before passing it on to the Gmail API for processing. //Create a new…
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1 answer

SendGrid Cc and Bcc not working on PHP

I'm using sendgrid with php, I've used both options the client library and the curl option. So far, I've been able to send emails directly with the addTo option with no problem. But when I try to add Cc or Bcc options, the email still gets sent but…
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2 answers

Ruby Net::SMTP - Send email with bcc: recipients

I would like to use Ruby Net::SMTP to send email. The routine send_message( msgstr, from_addr, *to_addrs ) works well in my code for sending email, but it is not clear from this API how to send email to a list of people that need to be blind copied…
Jay Godse
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3 answers

Python: how to store a draft email with BCC recipients to Exchange Server via IMAP?

I try to store a draft e-mail via IMAP to a folder running on MS Exchange. Everything ok, except that Bcc recipients don't get shown in the draft message stored on the server. Bcc recipients also don't receive the email if I send it with MS Outlook.…
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1 answer

Send Email Using Smtp Client with Mandrill

I want to send a message using Mandrill.I need the following code to do this: Send the same message to all recipient without Each one of them see the address of the other recipient. I used the following code : System.Net.Mail.MailMessage message =…
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3 answers

BCC in ItemSend event in Outlook 2007 no longer works

I inserted code in ItemSend and saved the ThisOutlookSession module. It worked once and no longer works. It was saved as VBAproject.OTM and is still there when I open the module after restarting Outlook. Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal…
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