Questions tagged [azure-servicebus-topics]

472 questions
5 answers

Using Azure Service Bus in local

I am working with Azure Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions. It's being used to send control messages across the application. The message listeners (subscribers) are running in a worker role and they are picking up the messages and processing the…
3 answers

Azure ARM template for Service bus with Topics with many Subscriptions

Hi I have an ARM template for create a ServiceBus with its topics and subscriptions. But I can only accomplish 1 topic - 1 subscription because I cannot make a nested loop to create many subscriptions per topic. I wish I could execute a template…
1 answer

Lock duration significance on azure service bus topic subscriptions

I have been looking at lockdurations and renewlock mechanisms for service bus queue and topics. However it is not clear about what exactly does lock duration mean for topic subscriptions. For example: If i have a topic GameScoreUpdate and it has…
Mandar Jogalekar
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2 answers

Azure Service Bus - Round Robin Topic to Multiple Services

Here's the scenario: Publisher #1 ═══╗ ╔═══ Round Robin ═══╦═══ Subscriber #1 (Service 1) ║ ║ ╚═══ Subscriber #2 (Service 1) ╠═══ Topic ═══╣ ║ ║ …
Goodbye StackExchange
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1 answer

Is Azure Service Bus message pump really event-driven?

So we've been looking into the Azure Service Bus recently and we're a bit confused as to whether we should use an infinite loop to poll the queue/subscription or whether we should use the OnMessage callback/message pump functionality. What is going…
Andy Furniss
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1 answer

Refer Topic and Subscription name from Configuration in an Azure Function with Service Bus Trigger

I have an Azure Service Bus with Service Bus Topic trigger. My function looks something like this [FunctionName("SbListener")] public static async Task Run( [ServiceBusTrigger("test-topic", "test-sub-1", Connection =…
3 answers

Azure Service Bus: Best way to implement exponential retry policy for failed to process messages

I am continuously receiving messages in peek mode and abandoning them if processing fails (Not the delivery). However, the message immediately becomes available again and is received for processing again. It fails quickly again and after max…
2 answers

How to debug ServiceBus-triggered Azure Function locally?

My function will be triggered from an existing ServiceBus topic. I have created the function using the new tooling in VS2017 (15.3) preview, as a compiled function. How can I test this function locally?
1 answer

qpid proton url for receiving messages from a given subscription (of a topic)

I would like to read subscription messages from service bus. I am using qpid-proton library for python. I am following this link to receive messages Proton-Python-Example-Simple-Receive. I am passing this url to receive messages from service bus -…
1 answer

Does Service Bus Delete Topic Subscriptions with No Filters/Rules if AutoDeleteOnIdle is Set?

Good afternoon. We're using Service Bus Topics as the engine for a pub/sub system. Our logic involves our C# services hooking up to a topic with a subscription. We remove $Default (TrueFilter) and set AutoDeleteOnIdle to 5 minutes. As other parts…
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1 answer

Azure Service Bus Entity Throughput

As per this article:, Service Bus can process upto 2000 messages per second per queue/topic. This article: says 'This means that the overall throughput of a partitioned queue or…
0 answers

Azure Logic App: passing JWT token

I'm looking to have an async workflow, which looks like this: Azure API App sends message to Azure ServiceBus Topic receive message on Azure LogicApp ServiceBus connector call into different Azure API App endpoint Optimally, I want to flow a JWT…
1 answer

Is Azure Service TopicClient Thread Safe & Reusable?

We are using Azure SDK to publish message to Service Bus. In Web API call we're doing these tasks repeatedly for each incoming request MessagingFactory factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(conStr); factory.RetryPolicy = new…
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2 answers

What is the topic path in microsoft service bus?

For this method: public static SubscriptionClient CreateFromConnectionString(string connectionString, string topicPath, string name) What is the topicPath? MSDN says it is "The full pathname of the topic." What is the pathname? There are code…
1 answer

The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:01:00

I am using code snippet to send message into the service bus topic. try { // sb is instance of ServiceBusConfig.GetServiceBusForChannel await sb.SendAsync(message); } catch (Exception ex) …
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