Questions tagged [azure-functions-runtime]

338 questions
1 answer

Replace TraceWriter With ILogger in azure function V2

We are trying to migrate azure function to sdk.functions 1.0.21 and we upgraded everything to 3.0.0-rc1 . The console prompted us that the TraceWriter is obsolete and to use ILogger instead. However, we keep running into issues. Here's the code that…
3 answers

Azure functions: how to bind query string parameters of http trigger function to SQL query of Cosmos DB

I am trying to run an http trigger Azure function with Cosmos DB input binding. I would like the url of the http trigger to include several parameters on the query string that become bound to the SQL query of the input Cosmos DB binding. I am trying…
2 answers

Azure Functions on .net core 3.0

Now that .Net Core 3.0 has released what's the story for Azure Functions on core3? When I try to flip a project to netcoreapp3.0 it still reports as running on 2.2. If I try to access an api that's 3.0 only it…
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Using Azure Function (.NET Core) to Download a file

I have created and HTTP Triggered Azure Function (v2) using .NET Core with the hopes that I can execute the function while passing in some info in the request body and then have the function return/download a file in the browser. Unfortunately I am…
3 answers

Azure Functions ARM template redeployment deletes my published functions

I have an Azure Functions (2.0) instance deployed by an ARM Template using Azure DevOps pipelines. I have another pipeline that deploys a functions application to the instance through zip deploy. This almost works perfectly, however, if I deploy the…
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How can I configure an Azure Function triggered by Service Bus with a custom INameResolver?

I want to be able to control the name of the Service Bus Queue or Subscription that my Azure Function reads from at run-time. With WebJobs (which Azure Functions are based on) you could do this by implementing and configuring a custom INameResolver,…
2 answers

Understanding of Azure Functions Premium Plan Billing

I've been reading various documentation around this and was not able to clearly confirm my understanding, we are evaluating Azure Functions Premium Plan and want to have a clearer understanding on the costs. My understanding is as follows: In a…
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Azure function app timeout for app service plan

I did follow the guidelines mentioned in to increase the default timeout of function app host on app service plan from 30 mins to 2h by updating the host file…
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EventHubTriggerAttribute does not exists in namespace 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs'

Following steps are taken to create Azure Function in Visual Studio Create New Project and choose Azure Function template Select Azure Function V2 (.net code ) and IoT Hub Trigger Code generated but with reference errors. using IoTHubTrigger…
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"The function runtime is unable to start"

I know it probably has something to do with a misconfiguration, but unfortunately the most info I get is The function runtime is unable to start. Session Id: b939c608ae424150878a55eeac6e7d36 Timestamp: 2018-10-04T18:05:22.023Z My function looks…
1 answer

Azure Functions - Event Hub not triggering Functions

I have an Azure infrastructure: 2 HTTP Functions -> Event Hub -> 2 Functions -> Table Storage (so two http functions sending messages to event hub, and two functions triggered by messages in Event Hub, one of them saving message in table…
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Single Azure function multiple timer trigger

We have created an azure function which is set as timer triggered . We want to schedule invoke the same func012.tion in different time intervals. i.e 1) Every Week Friday with certain set of input parameters 2) Every Month Last day with certain set…
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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage: No valid combination of account information found

I am using Azure Functions Preview and want to add a QueueTrigerFunction. The function is defined as such: [FunctionName("QueueTrigger")] public static void Run([QueueTrigger("testqueue1", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")]string…
1 answer

auto generate OpenAPI json file in Visual Studio 2017

I am developing Azure Functions in VS2017 5.13 (Preview) and I would like to generate project documentation from the OpenAPI (aka swagger) which i generated from azure portal. The visual studio doesn’t generate the file, so I got the initial file…
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Why is my python timer trigger function not running at the correct time?

this is probably a noob question. I have an Azure Function that responds to HTTP requests and it works fine, I can call it from a browser or from a Python 3.8 script. I want to make another function that will have Timer Trigger and will call the…
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