Questions tagged [azure-devops-self-hosted-agent]

185 questions
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How to solve Azure DevOps Ionic pipeline build error?

I'm trying to build Ionic framework using Hosted macOS agent in Azure DevOps pipeline. I have the below build steps. install npm@latest -g (NPM) install -g @ionic/app-scripts@latest --save-dev (NPM) npm i -g ionic@latest --verbose (Ionic CLI…
0 answers does not see one csproj in the sln file (command line build via Azure DevOps)

I've got a solution file (VS 2017 enterprise) which contains 12 projects - mostly csproj, and a couple of vdproj. I've got the Visual Studio Installer Projects extension installed. When I build from within Visual Studio, everything builds…
3 answers

Can one private agent from VSTS be installed on multiple VM's?

I have installed agent on VM and configured a CI build pipeline. The pipeline is triggered and works perfectly fine. Now I want to use same build pipeline, same agent, but different VM. Is this possible? How will the execution happen for builds and…
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TFS build agent on Azure VM very slow

I have a TFS build agent installed on Azure VM. I have a build definition that build micro service project with .net core, its a normal definition that restore, build than publish the project. The build take around 22 min and the console show that…
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VSTSNuGetPush.exe Proxy Settings

I have installed and configured an on-premise VSTS agent behind a corporate firewall. At first, the Nuget tasks were failing with connection related errors, but I fixed this using the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. However, the…
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What is actual TFS 2018 Build server configuration ? If i complete agent installation will that be considered as build server?

I have installed TFS 2018 and I'm trying to setup dedicated build server for this. I have three windows servers one for TFS-WindowsBox1(TFS 2018 Installation completed), one for Build server-WindowsBox2(Build server setup steps and architecture…
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Trying to configure build agent to work with a proxy server

I'm trying to make my build agent work with an already configured proxy server. The proxy server address is : http://MY_SERVER_DNS:8081 On my build machine inside the agent directory I created a .proxy file which contains the above proxy address and…
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VSTS Agent service doesn't start after reboot, Error: 1069 The Service did not start due to login failure

I've configured an On-Prem TFS 2017 Build Agent. I set it up to run as a Service using the service account: ...DEV\SRV-....-TFS. After a reboot the Build Agent is offline, when I try to start the service I get the error message: Windows could not…
Jeremy Thompson
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How to monitor VSTS agent availability

We have multiple on-site build agents attached to our VSTS instance, and would like to implement monitor their availability. That is, not just that their services are running, but also that they can connect to VSTS, since we have had some issues…
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I am unable to access the build server agent pool

Trying to replicate these steps Download and configure the agent Log on to the machine using the account for which you've prepared permissions as explained above. In your web browser, sign on to VSTS or TFS, and navigate to the Agent pools…
2 answers

Visual Studio 2015 Express not recognised by private build agent

If I install Visual Studio 2017 Community edition on a machine and registered it as a build agent, then the 'capabilities' tab against the agent registration shows the following environment variables: VisualStudio C:\Program Files…
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Restrict Azure DevOps Self Hosted Agent to run for 1 JOb

We have deployed self-hosted agents on Docker Image managed by Azure Container Images. We run release jobs parallelly and hence want to restrict the use of 1 agent for 1 job. The agent should either restart or delete after completion
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On an Azure DevOps self hosted agent to use Visual Studio you must buy a paid license for that agent?

When you have a self-hosted agent on Azure DevOps is common the need to install Visual Studio just only to build your projects. You could use a community license or must install a paid version?
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Self-Hosted windows build agent failing demands

I created a windows server VM and installed the azure build agent version 2.166.4, along with setting up a few other things, such as .net core sdk etc. When I run a build (which previously worked on the Azure agent), I get the following…
Rob McCabe
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Best choice between Azure Function and Azure DevOps to run a simple program

I have a simple program that does data scanning and calculation based on my backend database. The requirement is finding a way to run that program scheduled. Now I have two choice, one is Azure DevOps Pipeline which supports schedule run. The other…
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