Questions tagged [azure-cloud-services]

PaaS service provided by Microsoft Azure to host stateless Windows Server virtual machines that are automatically provisioned and scaled.

A Microsoft Azure PaaS service that hosts automatically provisioned Windows Server-based virtual machines. Supports automatic scalability and high-availability.

971 questions
2 answers

DocumentDB client 1.14 kills running process

After upgrading DocumentDB client to version 1.14.0 (CosmosDB changes) my application terminates unexpectedly when running in Azure as cloud service. I have no problems running it locally against the latest version of the emulator. I also do not get…
Jakub Konecki
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1 answer

Debugging ASP.NET cloud project over LAN

I've been trying to debug this ASP.NET cloud project over LAN, because we need it for testing at work. I have done plenty of research on the subject, but I simply cannot get it to work as expected. I think I have narrowed the problem down to being…
Thomas Teilmann
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4 answers

CloudConfigurationManager missing from Azure SDK v2.4?

Can someone help me figure out where CloudConfigurationManager exists in Azure SDK v2.4? CloudConfigurationManager, in the v2.3 SDK, is located in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure.NET…
Alex Dresko
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1 answer

Missing assembly binding redirect from StackExchange.Redis 2.0.513 package

I am getting the following exception when trying to use the latest Nuget package StackExchange.Redis in Cloud Service for .Net 4.7 System.InvalidOperationException: The assembly for System.Buffers and System.IO.Pipelines could not be loaded; this…
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0 answers

Windows Azure Tools Encryption Certificate for Extensions has not been installed properly

I've just deployed my cloud service with the usual configuration, but now a worker role has been getting busy and recycling over and over again. I am getting the below message from the diagnostics: There is no appropriate cert in the store…
2 answers

Advantages of Service Fabric Microservices vs Collection of Azure Cloud services/web apps

I have a application that can be broken down into multiple communicating services. My current implementation is monolithic and I want to reorganize it so that individual components can be deployed,iterated upon, scaled independently. I see two ways…
1 answer

Deployment of ASP.NET vNext Application to Azure Cloud Services

Is it possible to deploy an ASP.NET vNext web application to Azure Cloud Services? And if yes, does it matter if it's build on the aspnet50 or the aspnetcore50 framework? The Azure Cloud Service Visual Studio template, even in 2015 CTP seems to…
alek kowalczyk
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1 answer

Securing sensitive information in Azure Cloud Service Configuration

We are using Cloud Service configuration to store app settings. But we would like to secure few appsettings like User Credentials,database connection string etc. What is the recommended way to do that? We are reading this configuration from both web…
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1 answer

Can I host WebRole and WorkerRole in same CloudService?

I have a blank Solution in .Net and add two Azure Cloud Services project in solution. One with WebRole and other with WorkerRole. Can I host the both project in one cloudservice instance or need separate for both.
3 answers

Azure cloud service deployment issue with pay as you go subscription - cloud services are not available in this subscription

I am having an issue while deploying an Azure web role to a cloud service. It shows me the error Cloud services are not available in this subscription. I am using a pay as you go subscription on Azure. I don't know if there is any limitation with…
1 answer

Determine the Guest OS version of an Azure Cloud Service

How does one determine the Guest OS version running on a Cloud Service? I cannot find this info exposed in either the Old ( or New ( Azure Portal. My Cloud Services are setup to use "*" as the…
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1 answer

Internal endpoint for WCF service dont work on Azure Web role

I have two web roles and one of them runs the service layer consisting of 3 WCF services connected with net.tcp, each deployed as a website on port 808, 810, and 811. Now I want the service layer to only be open to my other web role. So I tried to…
Magnus Karlsson
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1 answer

Could not load file or assembly '' or one of its dependencies. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I have just bought a new development machine and have taken the latest version of the source code of a project we are working on but when I try to debug it I get the following error: Could not load file or assembly 'Business' or one of its…
John Mc
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1 answer

Updating aspnet.config on Azure Web Role

I have a SignalR solution that is deployed to an Azure Web Role (cloud service, not Azure Web Site) and in order to ensure we can maximise the number of connections to each instance I need to make some changes various ASP.NET settings as detailed in…
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2 answers

Cannot load imported module named 'Diagnostics.'

The build from VS 2013 breaks with the following error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.5\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets(684,5): error : CloudServices58 : Cannot load imported module named…
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