Questions tagged [axis2]

A Web Services/SOAP/WSDL framework supported by the Apache Software Foundation

Apache Axis2™ is a Web Services/SOAP/WSDL engine, the successor to the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack. There are currently two implementations of the Apache Axis2 Web services engine - Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C.

It is supported by the Apache Software Foundation.This is the main website for the Java implementation, while the C implementation can be found here. Related projects may be found at the Apache Axis homepage, .

2373 questions
2 answers error

please help currently I'm building a system that allowing the restful (jersey 1.12) to be invoked by some webservices (Axis2) the scenario is like this: client --> webservice (Axis2) --> restful services (Jersey 1.12) ... run in the tomcat Apache…
harry sunarsa
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4 answers

axis2 maven example

I try to use axis2 (1.5.1) version to generate java codes from wsdl files, but I can't figure out what is the correct pom.xml org.apache.axis2
Larry Cai
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2 answers

Rampart PostDispatchVerificationHandler: InvalidSecurity - Security policy not found

Edit: I tweaked the Rampart configuration a little and I am now stuck at another point. In Rampart's PostDispatchVerificationHandler an exception is thrown, because the security header hasn't been processed. // If a security header is there and…
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3 answers

Are Axis2 generated stubs thread-safe?

Are client stubs generated from WSDL by Axis2 thread-safe? Of course, "thread-safe" isn't necessary a rigorously defined term, so I'm at least interested in the following: Are different instances of the same stub class accessible concurrently by…
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5 answers

common logging jar conflict with apache axis soap client

I am getting this exception while trying to call SOAP webservice using axis. basically I have written a axis client. org.apache.commons.discovery.DiscoveryException: Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory does not implement…
Maneesh Kumar
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2 answers

How to write effective web services in java

Though this might appear as a duplicate of Java Web Services , I would like to know Where to start and to continue.In the past, I have invested so much of time to find where to start but I wasn't able to. There are so many jargons and chaos (at…
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1 answer

Disable InclusiveNamespaces in axis/rampart client

I'm connecting to a webservice with axis/rampart and was told to remove the InclusiveNamespaces as the prefixList was "" which is not allowed. How do I do that? The part looks like
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1 answer

Using multiple WSDLs with Axis2 wsdl2code Maven plugin

I'm creating a client with Maven2 that uses several web services. I'm restricted to using Axis2 or other framework supporting Apache HttpClient as an HTTP conduit because these services require integration with a managed certificate solution based…
David J. Liszewski
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14 answers

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is

I have been struggling with the following error the last couple of days can you please help! I generated my server and client code using the wsdl2java tool from a wsdl 2.0 file. When invoking the webservice I am getting the following…
Denise Wu
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5 answers

WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '"' (code 34) in DOCTYPE declaration; expected a space between public and system identifiers

I am trying to solve the below issue for last couple of days but still not able to resolve it. I have searched lots of forums but all in vain. *Little bit of history: My code was working well in the devp env but for accessing the production sever I…
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4 answers

Backwards compatibility and Web Services

So I'm a bit new to web services and a situation recently came up where we added an element to a data-type that gets returned to the client. The clients complained that this broke their implementation because it choked on the new element that it…
Jason Tholstrup
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2 answers

How to do Basic Authentication with an Axis2 ADB Client?

I'm trying to figure out how to do Basic Authentication with an ADB Axis2 version 1.5 Client. I'm trying the following: HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator basicAuth = new…
Mike C.
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3 answers

Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme

I have a WCF client connecting to a Java based Axis2 web service (outside my control). It is about to have WS-Security applied to it, and I need to fix the .NET client. However, I am struggling to provide the correct authentication. I am aware that…
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1 answer

SOA Suite to Axis2 data being dropped

We are in the process of migrating a WebLogic 10.3.5 web app to WebLogic 12.1.3 and we've run into an issue which we think might be related to web services security. The app uses Axis 1.5.6 to call out to a SOA Suite SOAP service (still running on…
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1 answer

APR error: -730054

We are getting this error related to AXIS2 1.7.3. We are running Tomcat8 with the latest Java8. APR error: -730054 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: APR error: -730054 at…
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