Questions tagged [awt-eventqueue]

69 questions
2 answers

Can anyone help me identify the Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException on Line 65?

I keep getting a Run Time error that says I am having an Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException it is saying a [line 65] but to me it just looks like a basic if statement. I can give some background. this frame is call…
1 answer

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jpcap in java.library.path is the error I keep getting, do I need to add a path to jcap? or change my configurations?
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How to fix this AWT-EventQueue-0 exception

I write a Library login page with Java Swing and try to run it. The page can run properly but when I type in any username, choose a type and press login, it raises an AWT-EventQueue-0: NullPointerException. The Library class deserializes two files…
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Draw Shapes on overlapping Panels, One panel Draw Stationary and another Draw Movable

I am creating Swing application. It is kind of road map with moving object application. I divide my shape components in two JPanels. One is static component JPanel, and second for dynamic component JPanel, and both added in mainPanel. Both panels…
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3 answers

Java: How should I implement waiting so that Images render?

I'm not sure I've really asked the question correctly...and I'm not even sure if I've relevantly phrased the question or not..So, I apologize in advance...but I'm quite stuck on this issue and appreciate all help.. Further, I'm frankly not an expert…
2 answers

AWT-EventQueue-0 is running all the time and program become very slow in java

I am writing an gui. In that gui, there are lots of shapes ( around 200 ). I used paint method to draw them. In one situation, I have to make them blink (switching between two color). In a for loop I am changing their colors and then…
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1 answer

Java rectangle 90 array null pointer

I cannot figure this one out... so I keep getting an Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at MakeFrame.MovementAndObjects.paint( error in my code but there is no nullPointer that I can…
1 answer

AWT-EventQueue-0 Exception when openning JFrame

I have two class: public class RecordTableGUI2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JButton addButton; JTable table; RecordTableModel2 model2; public RecordTableGUI2() { model2 = new RecordTableModel2(); …
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0 answers

why this comming solve this exception error

private void insertBoxActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String name; int age,grade; name=nameBox.getText(); age=Integer.parseInt(ageBox.getText()); grade=Integer.parseInt(gradeBox.getSelectedItem().toString()); …
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