Questions tagged [awt-eventqueue]

69 questions
1 answer

JTable swing exception

this is a follow up to a question I asked about a day ago, I have been trying to debug the code with no success, but basically the application is supposed to allow the user to select the CSV they want to import or view, after selecting the file they…
1 answer

Problems when using mouseClick and mouseRelease in Java Robot class

I am trying to figure out why I'm getting this exception. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid combination of button flags The code is simple. I am using a Robot class named Robot. I am trying to make…
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Java Event queue get delayed and holds monitor for few seconds

In Swing application, some UI operation events gets lags in execution and UI and gets freeze for few seconds. when tried to check using ThreadInfo MonitorInfo[] monitors = threadInfo.getLockedMonitors(); and StackTraceElement[] stackElements =…
0 answers

Java Swing ProgressBar does not update during long process

I have written a program that transmits blocks of data to a device over a TCP socket. As each block is written, the device returns an acknowledgement packet. The program writes the next block after each acknowledgement is received. This write/read…
0 answers

Draw a graph in a JFrame with GraphStream

I am trying to create a graph using the GraphStream API. I want to add some visual effects on top of the graph Layout drawn with the API, so I plan to embed the graph in a JFrame. I read this post here (How to draw graph inside swing with…
1 answer

Could someone explain what purpose EventQueue object serves?

Could someone explain what purpose EventQueue object serves in Java Swing? I'm mostly confused about how queuing events is applied. Maybe providing common use of an event queue would be helpful.
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Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException Asteroid

I'm writing a program that will be part one of an asteroid game and will make the asteroids for the game. I seem to be having some trouble getting anything to be shown. when I run the program the GUI shows up and when i hit the "start" button I get…
2 answers

Java Applet AWT-EventQueue-1 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I created a Vector called lines that stores the coordinate points of the end points of drawn line. It accomplishes the task that I want by drawing lines from the stored coordinates but produces the following exception: Exception in thread…
Mutating Algorithm
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AWT-EventQueue-0 NullPointerException in Eclipse

I am having a really hard time finding what is causing this AWT-EventQueue-0 NullPointerException error. I have narrowed it down to somewhere in these 2 methods. I think from my reading that AWT has to do with action events, so my guess was in the…
1 answer

Java Paint Application thorws NullPointer when clearing the drawing surface

My problem is the following: i'm trying to make a paint application in java. I get this error code: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at areacalc.DrawArea.clear( at…
1 answer

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" . Don't know what to do

I'm new to that site. Recently I started to work on a game on java (Blackjack), and I came across some difficulties. This time I need your help. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at…
1 answer

Swing Create Loader in Thread non blocking GUI

I have kind of a problem with showing loader during a heavy data loading by main program. Below there is a class called SplashScreen which displays .gif animation of loader. public class SplashScreen extends JWindow { public SplashScreen() { …
Lukasz Ciesluk
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Prevent AWT Event Queue from overloading

I have coded a Swing GUI, which uses KeyAccelerators on JMenuItems. Pressing the keys that trigger the Accelerator for a longer time causes the EventQueue to stack commands and blocking the GUI. I want the AWT Event Queue not to have more than one…
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EventQueue.invokeLater in Java Swing

I am trying to understand the real purpose of this thread. I have read books , articles ,but didn't undrstand clearly what EventQueue thread is responsible for. I have seen a lot of examples, sometimes this is used, sometimes not. As I understood…
1 answer

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: Exception with add()

EDIT2: Ok, I hope this is how you do it. Below is the thinned version of the classes I used. The error still persists if I have all the Getters and Setters inside the SurfaceObject() classe, but seems to disappear if I exclude them. Which is quite…