Questions tagged [aws-amplify]

AWS framework for rapidly developing backends for mobile and web applications.

AWS Amplify provides the greatest common denominators for mobile backends, including authentication, analytics, notifications, storage, and offline realtime database AWS AppSync.

It works for Android, iOS, and Web clients, and provides integration with popular client runtimes such as React Native, React, Angular, and Ionic.

AWS Amplify provides a modern toolchain, including a powerful CLI and codegen.

See more at their website:

2523 questions
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AWS Amplify (angular), file location wrong on build

I have the Amplify environments setup to { "dev": {...}, "production": {...} } and the amplify.yml is version: 1 frontend: phases: preBuild: commands: - 'npm ci' - if [ "${AWS_BRANCH}" ==…
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How to generate GraphQL files without overhead code?

My GraphQL files are growing as my project is growing, and the more types I use. The generated files contains thousands of lines of unused generated code. That takes an exponential amount of time for Xcode to compile. Some generated swift files are…
Jonathan K
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How to use AWS Appsync with RDS Mysql database or with mysql aroura serverless database for real time syncing

I'm building an application that has Web(PHP-Laravel) as well as Android UI. I need real-time sync of data between both platforms. For that, I'm trying to use AWS Appsync but after reading the documentation I'm so much confused about which service I…
2 answers

amplify and angular security concern - cognito

I'm trying to figure out if amplify is needed for cognito to work with the frontend or if there is a more secure way of setting it up. The reason I'm asking is because I have a solution that allows me to login to my app using cognito, amplify, and…
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1 answer

./src/index.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'aws-amplify' React

I am trying to learn AWS and react. I keep getting the below error for my react app when i run it on my local machine using "NPM start". ./src/index.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'aws-amplify' in 'C:\Users\pull-transactions\src' at…
0 answers

Sharing files from many users to a single user with AWS Amplify Storage

The following file access levels are provided in AWS Amplify Storage: Public: Accessible by all users of your app. Files are stored under the public/ path in your S3 bucket. Protected: Readable by all users, but writable only by the creating…
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How to use Amazon S3 Object Lambda with AWS Amplify Storage?

I'm trying to run an AWS S3 Object Lambda function to transform the S3 object that is returned to my React App based on the user that is accessing it. I am using S3 Object Lambda because the conventional Amplify Lambda functions seem to get…
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AWS Amplify - How to give serverless container access to non-amplify-managed resources

It appears as if the cloudformation for serverless containers gets overwritten when you run amplify push. This causes the following issues for me: I want to give my container the ability to know which env it is in and when I try to add the env to…
0 answers

AWS Amplify Graph API that can be accessed without authorization (login)

I am new to Amplify and I am building a simple list of items (votes) with GraphQL. While the items visibility should be public (read access) without authentication, creating, updating and deleting should be done authenticated via Cognito user…
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2 answers

AWS Amplify Frontend Build Failed on master branch but successfully builds on a feature branch

I recently added google tag manager on a react-app I'm working on and pushed it in a branch called gtm. AWS Amplify builds the app successfully and it's up and running. I then merged these changes in the master branch with no merge conflicts.…
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problem with grequests after pushing to amplify environment

I've made a layer consisting of the library "grequests" When I make a test function in the lambda environment online and use the layer, it works fine. When I make a function through the Amplify CLI and attach the same layer, the layer will not…
0 answers

Amplify Token with specific email

I have a React app with Amplify signIn method. That method returns me a token for the logged in user. But how could I get the token for that user without knowing his password? I could reset his password and use the new one, but I can't force to the…
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Fail to push graphql schema changes to AWS-backend w/ Amplify

Problem I have reactJS-app which is connected to a AppSync API (w/ graphql). I recently made changes to my schema.graphql file, which I want to push to the backend (w/ amplify push). When I try to do this I get the following error: Following…
August Jelemson
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AWS Amplify, set yml commands for a specific environment

My app has two environments: develop and production. Each environment has different npm commands to build a specific configuration. my amplify.yml looks like this: version: 1 frontend: phases: preBuild: commands: ['npm ci'] …
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How to Override Amplify Sign In Page

I am using the newer version @aws-amplify/ui-react, not the old version which was aws-amplify-react. In the older version you could extend the SignIn and SignUp pages, change the ui to whatever you want, and essential just call the super methods…
Billy C
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