Questions tagged [avisynth]

63 questions
1 answer

Is there any helper tool for creating graphedit files "on the fly" (programmatically)

I notice that avisynth can accept as input a "live directshow source" only through a graphedit file that includes that source in it. Is there any help tool out there to create a graphedit file on the fly, given you know a capture sources name…
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Unable to find audio stream

I'm trying to adapt a code in order to add a sound capture feature (on a live stream), with the help of ffmpeg and directshow. When i try to play with ffplay the AVIsynth file, everything works perfectly i've got the audio and video. But when i open…
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AviSynth - turn sound off

I am using AviSynth+ and I play an .avs script into VLC (I've installed the AviSynth plugin for VLC). My script is very basic and it looks like this: DirectShowSource("D:\MyVideo.asf", fps=25, convertfps=true) How can I turn off the sound of the…
Joe Jobs
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utilizing ddcomb plugin in avisynth

I want to utilize DDComb plugin in Avisynth, I am using MeGUI in helping me craft the script but I am confused by how to use this. The plugin is here: ### ONLY FOR PROGRESSIVE VIDEO or Field Based ### Based on Did�e's script ### 2019.07.22…
0 answers

Synchronizing Audio and Video Playback when playing frame by frame / by sample

I am currently in the process of writing an open source AviSynth editor with C#/WPF with video AND audio preview. I already got all the AviSynth stuff working and I am able to query AviSynth to get a frame (by framenumber, as bitmap) and to get…
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Do Avisynth+ TDecimate 'keep' specifiers work?

I read about 'keep' specifiers at but cannot get them to work. But I'm a bit of a newbie so there's a high chance I'm missing something basic. I have TIVTC-V1.0.25.7z I have a string of frames between frames 337…
Mae Warren
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Split VFR video into CFR chunks?

Is there a good way to split a VFR video into chunks that split whenever the framerate changes? I have a video that I want to edit that is VFR but my editor doesn't support VFR. I don't want to set a constant framerate and convert it because that…
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How to WriteFile in AvsPMod

I'm very new in working with video editing via AviSynth script editor AvsPmod v2.6.3.4 and I want to add some MP4 videos to a big one but WriteFile creates a file with no content. VLC player results in error 0xc00d36c4 file cannot be played…
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Imagewriter executes only last call

I have 3 imagewriter, each of it save a different frame from avi to a path. But, it is executed only the last imagewriter, so I received in test3 folder frame 4, with name: 000004.jpg Why the first 2 imagewriter aren't executed? Can I execute all…
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FFmpeg audio stream extraction on non-interleaved AVI - slow compared to AviSynth

I want to extract the audio stream of an avi file as a wav file, it works but it is really slow (~4-5fps) although I just want to copy the stream. Here is the type of stream I want to extract (ffprobe info): Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s16le…
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How do I batch encode hevc videos using avisynth source?

I have several videos I need to process using avisynth then encode to hevc mkv format. I can use avsproxy and open in avidemux but I can't batch it. I have a lot of videos that use basically the same script. I can easily create a script for each…
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Difference between DirectShowSource() and FFmpegSource2() in AviSynth

For non .avi A/V sources (as .mp3, .mp4, etc.) there are (at least) 2 possibilities for reading those media files in AviSynth (in Windows): The built-in media filter DirectShowSource(), using Microsoft's DirectShow media architecture. The AviSynth…
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Avisynth total frames does not equal VirtualDub total frames

It appears that Dissolve and/or Fade change the total number of frames in .avs scripts. When I add up the total number of frames in the avs script and then load the avs script in Vdub the total number of frames is different. My real world example…
1 answer

AviSynth script with subtitles errors

Win7 FFmpeg version: 20170223-dcd3418 win32 shared AVISynth version: 2.6 Calling ffmpeg in a Visual Studio 2015 C# Forms Application and using process.StartInfo.Arguments to pass arguments and read an avs script. Works fine. The avs…
0 answers

Create batch AVISynth scripts using command line

I have researched for a long time for AViSynth batch create using CMD AVISynth example : > DirectShowSource("C:\Users\...\conan848.mkv", fps=23.976, audio=false, > convertfps=true).AssumeFPS(24000,1001) > #deinterlace > #crop LanczosResize(1280,720)…
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