Questions tagged [avaudioengine]

Use this tag when your question is about the AVAudioEngine class, which is part of the AVFoundation framework.

AVAudioEngine is part of the AVFoundation framework for Apple platforms. The class provides some of the more complex audio processing functionalities within the framework, by grouping together connected audio node objects that provide functionality for creating and processing audio signals and IO.

The AVAudioEngine API can be found here.

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449 questions
2 answers

Access class properties from within installTapOnBus closure

I have a very simple installTapOnBus closure that successfully updates the console, but not the UI element. Here's the code: self.meter.text="..." let inputNode = audioEngine.inputNode let bus = 0 inputNode!.installTapOnBus(bus, bufferSize: 2048,…
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1 answer

AVAudioEngine offline render: Silent output only when headphones connected

I've been working on an app that makes an audio pipeline through AVAudioEngine and then renders to a file. I've been using this code example's approach, adapted for my own needs. The problem is that if headphones are connected to the device, the…
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I can not hear music after recording (Swift)

I make a karaoke app. If headphone doesn't plugin app works fine.(my voice and background music record together). it is successful. but I'm the same way with headphone Then I listen to the recording. I can not hear the background music.(its too much…
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1 answer

AVAudioEngine stops device's background audio

I am using an AVAudioEngine object, that has many AVAudioPlayerNodes attached to it. The audio all works fine, except it stops any audio that the iPhone is playing in the background (i. e. from iTunes or another music app). When my app is opened, it…
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Headphone volume issue when using AvAudioEngine output

I am using AVAudioEngine to capture a user's voice while applying some real-time effects(like reverb or sth) to the voice.Here's my code import UIKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController{ var audioEngine:AVAudioEngine! var…
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1 answer

How to Export an audio file with effect in iOS

I used AVAudioEngine to play multi audio file with effect. And I want to export this sound (include effect and multi files are playing) without recording. How I can do that? This is my code to use AVAudioEngine //1. Create engine _audioEngine =…
1 answer

Avoiding echo feedback when recording with AVAudioEngine without headphones

I am using AVAudioEngine to record a user's voice while applying some real-time effects to the voice. As I need the user to be able to hear his own voice during the session, I've hooked up my AVAudioEngine graph to look like the following: inputNode…
Ken Toh
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Latency in plotting microphone input

I am using AVFoundation in order to get the microphone input and EZAudio to plot the microphone input. I have stripped down the code to very basic and I still get latency, which is weird. This is the code: override func viewDidLoad() { …
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1 answer

AVAudioEngine AudioFile Time Management

I am curerntly trying to change the playback time of a song that is being played with a slider. My problem is getting the accurate AVAudioTime to schedule the playback for based on the slider The code (swift) looks like: @IBAction func…
Paul Lehn
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1 answer

Can you use wildcards when declaring variables in swift?

I'm learning coding through building a Soundboard app. I am using audioEngine to play some sounds after I've changed the tunes a bit. In my viewDidLoad, I declare my variables: var audioFile1 = AVAudioFile() var audioFile2 = AVAudioFile() if let…
Bruce A.
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1 answer

AvAudioUnitEffect as Chorus

I cannot find any indication how to build a Chorus EFX in AVAudioEngine. I can see AvAudioUnitReverb and so on, but I cannot find any indication ho to create a Chorus.
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How to use the rate in AVAudioEngine

How do we use rate in AVAudioEngine? Here's my complete code: import UIKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController { var audioEngine = AVAudioEngine() var myPlayer = AVAudioPlayerNode() override func viewDidLoad() { …
Nona Shah
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Stopping music on incoming calls And After Again Restart iOS Swift

I would like to stop music totally when someone call me and if I call someone, Is it Possible in if yes could you please share your knowledge how to stop music when someone call me? Code: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let…
Sham Dhiman
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1 answer

Swift: How can i record an audio and then play it in reverse

How can i record audio and then play it in reverse? in swift! There are some topics about that but they are too old and i can't figure out how. I'd really appreciate if someone could help me. I searched in AVAudioEngine and other frameworks and it…
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