Questions tagged [avaudioengine]

Use this tag when your question is about the AVAudioEngine class, which is part of the AVFoundation framework.

AVAudioEngine is part of the AVFoundation framework for Apple platforms. The class provides some of the more complex audio processing functionalities within the framework, by grouping together connected audio node objects that provide functionality for creating and processing audio signals and IO.

The AVAudioEngine API can be found here.

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449 questions
1 answer

Change audio volume of some channels using AVAudioEngine

I'm working on a mac application that mix audio from a VideoCard and an external audio card. How can I change volume on each channel (not each source) independently using AVAudioEngine. Let's say I have an AVAudioPCMBuffer with 16 channels…
1 answer

AVAudioEngine crash on connect node

I've setup my AVAudioEngine in its own method like this: AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; [session setPreferredSampleRate:[session sampleRate] error:nil]; [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback…
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1 answer

Play an audio file using Swift for MacOS

I'm trying to simply play a file (in the main bundle or on the disk) using AVAudioFile, AVAudioEngine and AVAudioPlayerNode. Here is what I'm doing: import Foundation import AppKit import AudioToolbox import AVFoundation struct readFile { …
1 answer

AVAudioEngine Realtime Audio Playing Issue

I am working on a push to talk functionality where sender can send an audio in form of bytes array to server and receiver can listen it at realtime through socket connection. when i try to play video at receiver end using AVAudioEngine, it's not…
0 answers

Using AVAudioEngine to schedule sounds

I have a few conceptual questions regarding the AVAudioEngine. I find the Apple Developer Documentation is rather difficult to understand especially for people who are new to audio development. My goal is actually quite simple. I'd like to play a…
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1 answer

AudioUnit output buffer and input buffer

My question is what should I do when I use real-time time stretch? I understand that the change of rate will change the count of samples for output. For example, if I stretch audio with 2.0 coefficient, the output buffer is bigger (twice). So,…
0 answers

IOS/Swift/AVFoundation: Crash on audioEngine.inputNode declaration inside guard statement

I am new to Swift and trying to implement the audioEngine for a microphone in order to record. At one point I declare the inputNode (microphone) with the statement: print("before input node") guard let inputNode = audioEngine.inputNode else { …
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AVAudioPlayerNode playAt() not synchronized

I have one main AVAudioPlayerNode that plays constantly. And there are other players that are put in the queue and play when the main player reaches a certain point. These AVAudioPlayerNode`s should be synchronized to a millisecond. Sometimes 4-10…
1 answer

AVAudioEngine sound recording changes tonality

I have few AVAudioPlayerNodes for each sound user can play. Each player node is connected to its own AVAudioMixerNode to change volume. All of these mixers are connected to one AVAudioMixerNode (I named it soundsMixerNode) which is connected to the…
Valentin Shamardin
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1 answer

Reset AVAudioEngine

I am creating a basic soundboard app. I have two switches. One that when activated will make the audio slower and lower pitch and one that makes it faster and higher. I have an if else if if statement that looks at those switches and then plays the…
Bruce A.
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1 answer

How to make SFSpeechRecongnizer Reusable for every UIViewControllers

Currently i'm working on speech to text for iOS 10 feature app. Here blow the code successfully return speech to text on my app. I need to implement this on several time (several viewController) My Question is Can someone explain how to do this as…
Pranavan SP
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0 answers

how to reduce input quality from mic in objective c?

I'm creating VoIP app. I want to reduce the size of the audio file with: AVAudioPCMFormatFloat32 formatted. when I recording audio with handsfree and compressed the leaner PCM is good and reduced size but when I record with main-mic compressor not…
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1 answer

Xcode throws Initializer for conditional binding using AVAudioInputNode

I'm finding my way around Xcode and tried to build a basic live transcription app using the guidance on Apple's developer website (link) The following line throws the error shown below: guard let inputNode = audioEngine.inputNode else {…
Justin 915
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1 answer

Swift AVAudioEngine AVAudioPCMBuffer to PowerLevel

I've been working on a project to create an application that displays the power level from the microphone. I'm aware of the AVAudioRecorder class what provides the average/peak power, but I want to be able only to record the power level for certain…
0 answers

AVAudioUnitSampler loading delay issue in iOS 11 but not iOS 10

Running on iOS 10 I am able to load a sample from file into an AVAudioUnitSampler on demand and it plays correctly. However when I run the same code on iOS 11 the audio doesn't play. In order to get it to work I have to preload the audio. Has…
Andrew Sage
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