Questions tagged [autorepeat]

14 questions
6 answers

Ignore auto repeat in X11 applications

If you press and hold a key in X11 while AutoRepeat is enabled, you continuously receive KeyPress and KeyRelease events. I know that AutoRepeat can be disabled using the function XAutoRepeatOff(), but this changes the setting for the whole X…
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10 answers

How to know when a user has really released a key in Java?

(Edited for clarity) I want to detect when a user presses and releases a key in Java Swing, ignoring the keyboard auto repeat feature. I also would like a pure Java approach the works on Linux, Mac OS and Windows. Requirements: When the user…
Luis Soeiro
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1 answer

Disable auto-repetition of setOnKeyPressed (JavaFX 2.1)

I am doing an homework in JavaFX2.1 and I have a problem with the setOnKeyPressed method. My programs simulates a piano, so it does a sound every time I click on a button: 'Q' is 'do', 'W' is 're' and so on... I also have (for now) a mouse input,…
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3 answers

Delphi: How do I stop TAction shortcut keys autorepeating?

I'm using a Delphi TActionList, with Shortcut Keys for some actions. I want to prevent certain actions from being triggered multiple times by keyboard auto-repeat, but I do not want to affect auto-repeat operation globally. What's the best way of…
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HTML Keydown even only once even when its being held it?

I have a Script in my HTML document that detects when one of the arrow keys is detected then it changes the URL of an iframe. When the key is released the iframe is changed again. This works except during the time that the key is being held down it…
3 answers

How is keyboard auto-repeat implemented on a Windows PC?

I want to be able to intercept (and do arbitrary processing on) auto-repeating key presses on Windows. I'd like to know how keyboard auto-repeat is implemented so that I know what options I have. i.e. can I intercept at the: application, device…
Matthew Murdoch
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0 answers

How to avoid key auto repeat if key is held down?

I am currently coding a program, with the library 'keyboard' in python 3 on Debian. So if i hold down a Key. The keyboard-library gets multiple KeyDownEvents instead of one at KeyPress but I only want the first event. Is there anyway to suppress the…
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3 answers

autorepeat a php script

i would like to ask how can i make a php script which echoes the id of the data stored in a database repeat itself after specific time for example after 2 minutes.i don't want to use a cron job or another scheduler.Just php or javascript…
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how to enable/disable gpio-keys autorepeat in runtime

I am new here. I am not a professional programmer. I am actually HW guy. It just ended up that I had to deal with these things. So my terms may not be correct or clear. Please understand. This is about embedded device with Linux version 3.10.14. My…
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1 answer

Trigger Auto-Repeat Javascript keydown event

When you hold down a key, the javascript keydown event is triggered repeatedly while the key is still down. I want to programmatically simulate this effect. I have tried the following code but it only triggers the keydown event only once: e =…
0 answers

Embedded QT5 Keyboard auto-repeat does not work

After a hardware upgrade, an update from QT4 to QT5 was necessary. The hardware contains a small keyboard and under QT4 I was able to activate automatic repetition with the following environment…
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Qt How to Filter keyPressEvent with Autorepeat

I'm trying to filter key press/release events so that I can setup timers for long press events for my application (e.g. pop up a menu when the down error is held for 3 seconds). I'm having some trouble with some inconsistency from autorepeat of…
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2 answers

Auto Assign Serial Number to a text on other column in excel

please see below image to understand what i want to do. Excel Data Image John has serial# 1001, when john is repeated on client column, serial# is same as it was on first entry. How can i automate this process in excel?
2 answers

X11 Key held down leads to key pressed and released

How can I stop the KeyRelease event being spammed when I hold down a key on the keyboard? I've searched the internet and found people suggesting putting a timer in the loop but I want a more efficient way. Isn't there something in X11 that can turn…