Questions tagged [automount]

For questions regarding the auto-mounting of filesystems, for example, automatic reading of usb storage, enabled in many operating systems.

For questions regarding the auto-mounting of filesystems, for example, automatic reading of usb storage, which is enabled in many operating systems.

66 questions
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give non-sudo write access to smb share mounted via fstab and x-systemd.automount

I'm running raspbian stretch on there I have some mounts in /etc/fstab one of those should be writable by a user (myguest:myguest) without sudo (it's used for sftp) //192.168.x.y /path/to/mountpoint cifs…
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Automount USB flash drive on Raspbian Stretch lite with udev

I'm using a udev rule to automount USB flash drives on my Raspberry Pi. I found this solution few months ago and I worked very well until I start using Raspbian Stretch lite. KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end" # Import FS…
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variable substitution not happening correctly

I've been using the script from centos wiki (method 5) for months now. A few weeks ago it stopped working, looking at the logs it seems that the variable substitution is not taking place. Here's a what the script tells you to do: [/etc/auto.master]…
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what causes permission of auto-mount in linaro linux

Sdcard is mounted automatically as root permission. like this. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/linaro/11bf7464-471c-42ca-bbc8-d229a43e8fe51 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks2) /etc/fstab is emtpy like below.…
Daniel Lee
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Is there a way to keep internal drive segments unmounted while booting from external device

For forensic imaging of drives and/or segments with a native Mac application, I'm booting from external device (usb, hdd, etc.) into BaseSystem. I want to keep the internal drives and/or segments unmounted during the boot process (there is no way of…
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CentOS 7.2 Udev rules could not automount USB storage device

# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-storage.rules ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?1", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="20060774501DE92200EA", SYMLINK+="USBDisk%n", RUN+="/usr/bin/mount /dev/USBDisk%n /mnt/" When I insert USB storage device or execute the…
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Automount is not mounting NFS shared home folder on centos 7 when using LDAP login

These are the error messages that I can see in /var/log/messages folder: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://x.x.x.x: Can't contact LDAP server bind_ldap_simple: lookup(ldap): Unable to bind to the LDAP server: (default), error Can't…
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Unable to mount nfs share using autofs on solaris10

I am trying to mount an nfs share to a solaris 10 machine at bootup without any luck so far. The nfs share is accessible and mounts without any problems if I do so manually from the command line (mount -F nfs server_hostname:/exported_dir_path/…
0 answers

Automount USB exFAT drives with Synology NAS

I installed a library for exFAT support and I have to manually mount it via SSH. I would like to get it to operate as it does out of the box with drives that are FAT formatted, where appears as one of its shared folders. The command I am using is…
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2 answers

Cannot automount NFS share on Centos 7

I have a fresh install of Centos 7. I cannot seem to auto mount an NFS share located on from the Centos client. Mounting the share manually however, works perfectly. /etc/auto.master has been commented out completely…
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2 answers

best way to write a puppet manifest for adding Linux auto.misc entries without overwriting the existing config lines

I am currently writing a puppet module for adding lines to auto.misc file. I used augeas for adding a new entry to the auto.misc file and I came up with like something below and it works quite well every time I run without duplicating. augeas {…
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How to automatically mount dmg when usb is mounted

I'm developing an app and this app is package only for mac on dmg format. This app will be distributed through usb storage. What I'm looking for is the process to, as soon as the usb storage is mounted, the dmg file is also mounted and allow the…
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Howto disable the autohome feature in Solaris 11

On a newly installed Solaris 11.2, new users get their homedir automounted but I do not want this, I prefer to create them locally and statically. Of course I can completely disable the autofs service with "svcadm disable autofs" but I do want to…
Karel Adams
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NFS directories mapping as nobody:nobody on Solaris 9 box

I've set up a Solaris 9 test box. Individual user home directories are on a local NAS that is automounted at boot time via /etc/vfstab entry. Unlike other solaris servers on the LAN, home directories on the test box are listed as having user:group…
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3 answers

Linux CentOS 7 autofs does not mount network share after reboot

Problem: I have CentOS 7 Linux VM with cifs installed. I added a mount point using autofs where the whole idea was to automatically mount a network share every time VM boots. However, when I run this command: ls /mnt/vmshare/trinity I get …
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