Questions tagged [automap]

Automap is an automatic interpolation R package for spatial point data

Automap is an automatic spatial interpolation R package for spatial point data using kriging. It is meant to automate interpolation for two purposes:

  • Automation of interpolation in batch processing of data, for example interpolation high frequency monitoring network data
  • Easy construction of maps using kriging for people who are less experienced with geostatistics.

The package can be downloaded at CRAN, and a development version can be downloaded from bitbucket using Mercurial:

hg clone

You can also browse the source code there.

43 questions
1 answer

Plotting interpolated data on map

I have survey data of species richness that was taken at various sites in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, and I would like to graphically present the data as a "heat map." I have a dataframe of lat/long coordinates and richness values, which I converted…
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Average values of a point dataset to a grid dataset

I am relatively new to ggplot, so please forgive me if some of my problems are really simple or not solvable at all. What I am trying to do is generate a "Heat Map" of a country where the filling of the shape is continous. Furthermore I have the…
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Is it possible to declare relationship after class is created by automap in SqlAlchemy

I'm new to sqlalchemy. I have followed the tutorial to create the automap of a existing db with relationship from a mysql db from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Column, Table, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base,…
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How to make Ordinary Kriging by using gstat predict

I am trying to write a code in R that use gstat library in order to create an interpolation. I have already read the gstat manual and based on some examples on internet I had managed to write this code (this is only a part): g <- gstat(id="tec",…
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Autokriging spatial data

I'm trying to use a kriging function to create vertical maps of chemical parameters in an ocean transect, and I'm having a hard time getting started. My data look like this: horiz=rep(1:5, 5) depth=runif(25) value = horiz+runif(25)/5 df <-…
Drew Steen
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1 answer

How to apply universal kriging with custom prediction spatial grid using autoKrige in R

I want to apply universal kriging on a dataset using the autokrige function in R. I would like to create my own custom, spatial grid for the predicted points (for the new_data argument of autokrige). I am using R version 3.2.2 (64-bit) and RStudio…
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1 answer

How to plot multiple variogram plots with different title using loop/lapply function?

I have a csv file contains hourly PM10 concentration of 1 march to 7 march. Please, download from here. I have plotted all the variogram (total 161) in a loop by automap package.…
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How to cut/crop/mask autoKrige result with boundary polygon?

I am busy developing a module that implements autoKrige (automap library) on soil sample data with a 20x20m cell-size. Once the kriging is complete I would like to crop/mask the kriging result with the field's boundary. The problem with…
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0 answers

CodeCanyon POI Auto Map doesn't work

I can’t get my purchased script to work, and I don’t know what to do. On menu page "Célula" I need to display a map with locations exactly like this one: What have I done so far: Bought…
1 answer

Getting predicted values from autoKrige

I've just performed kriging on my spatial data using the autoKrigefunction from the automap package. However, I am now struggling to get the fitted values. I can simply execute plot(kriging_results) and see the map, but I want to make some changes…
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1 answer

How to get Sitecore Data Item ID for Automapped Glass item C#

I have an automapped class that inherits GlassBase. The fields are automatically pulled from Sitecore and mapped to the class. I need to get the ID of the data item that the fields are being pulled from, but I'm not sure how. In other projects I've…
Erica Stockwell-Alpert
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How to regid station data into grid data in R

I have some station data and I am trying to regrid the station data into grid data. I have tried the autoKrigefunction but an error occurs. I wonder if someone can help me, thanks. The test data can be downloaded from…
Yang Yang
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2 answers

R: error with autofitVariogram (automap package)

Using autofitVariogram() function from automap package I have generate following error: Error in vgm_list[[which.min(SSerr_list)]] : attempt to select less than one element in get1index Example code: model <- as.formula(Value ~ Elevation) data…
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1 answer

R: function in automap package generates NaNs

I’m fairly new to R and I am trying to make interpolations of temperature measurements that where gathered from different station across the Netherlands. I have data for about 35 stations that make measurements every 10 minutes covering a timespan…
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3 answers

Duplicate data when using gstat or automap package in R

I am trying to using ordinary kriging to spatially predict data where an animal will occur based on predictor variables using the gstat or automap package in R. I have many (over 100) duplicate coordinate points, which I cannot throw out since those…
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