Questions tagged [authenticity]

24 questions
1 answer

Authenticity and Integrity of HTTP Requests

I have an API endpoint where external websites can submit a POST request. What would be the best method to make sure the requests are authentic and also are not tampered with, so they respect the principle of integrity? Since the data is not…
Claudiu S
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4 answers

Can i prevent an application from being installed in a particluar device in android?

I have an enterprise app which should not be installed in all mobiles. I have 50 mobiles with their IMEI info, my application should be installed only in these 50 mobiles. A user should not be able to install my app even if he gets the apk. I have…
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4 answers

How to ensure HTTP upload came from authentic executable

We are in the process of writing a native windows app (MFC) that will be uploading some data to our web app. Windows app will allow user to login and after that it will periodically upload some data to our web app. Upload will be done via simple…
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2 answers

Basic high performance data authenticity

(I am not a native speaker and might not be correct in terms of terminology. Sorry about that.) I am transmitting data via radio between AVR microcontrollers for personal use and would like for clients to demonstrate the authenticity of transmitted…
3 answers

Can a git history be falsified?

Could a git history be falsified? I'm thinking for instance about the following informations : Commit date Commit content Identity of commiter If yes : Are there ways to authenticate a git repo's content or make it authenticatable? How to know if…
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Rails 4 : Can't verify CSRF token authenticity but data still insert into database

I apply the CSRF in Controller by adding this: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery end and I do a post request to my API using Postman. The funny result is I can't verify CSRF, but the data I send…
Eason Caizhen Liu
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rails in_place_edit: how do I pass an authenticity token?

I am trying to get in place editing working but I am running into this error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) I understand that rails now wants to protect against forgery and that I need to…
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Secure and authenticate data from server to client

I want to send data from server software to client software, encrypted in such a way that only the server (private software) could have encrypted that specific data, but any client can decrypt it. At first I thought RSA would be a solution, but as I…
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Signing and verifying an automatically generated report

Last summer, I was working on an application that tested the suitability of a prospective customer's computer for integrating our hardware. One of the notions suggested was to use the HTML report generated by the tool as justification for a refund…
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How to check GET params authenticity after redirection

I am working on a project and need a conceptual help. It allow a website to redirect his user to my web application. On the web application side the user have to enter some details about him, the user is then redirected back to the original website,…
Sofiane Sadi
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1 answer

Where does rails store authenticity token

I am trying to figure out where authenticity tokens are being stored by rails4. On every request rails seems to generate a new token. But where are all of these tokens are stored exactly when using cookie store? I have looked through the session…
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3 answers

Integrity and Authenticity

Sorry to keep asking so many questions, but you guys always seem to be so nice and helpful... I need to do some application that imports data from a file. For instance, user selects one file and the application imports some data to database. But…
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Verifying Authentication with openSSL

bob has created a private key with openssl genrsa -out Private.pem 1024 then created the public key with openssl rsa -in Private.pem -out Public.pem -outform PEM -pubout he created a file named data.txt with "hello" plain text inside and ran the…
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Does a Message authentication code (MAC) ensure authenticity of the key used?

I have to protects confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of a file of records with a password. The number of records can potentially be more then 32^2 and each record can be accessed independently. One way to implement it is Generate a…
1 answer

Is there a way to (say, cryptographically) prove, that a specific software code is used in a web service?

Assume I have an open-source github repo, and I offer paid services, using a solution in that repo. Is there a way I can prove, that the online service really uses the code/release from that repo, without modifications/additions, etc? Ideally, I am…
Rustem Mustafin
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