Questions tagged [audit]

A set of processes or functionality that tracks changes to one or more components of a system, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of transaction processing, authorization, and validity of system operations.

Audit controls (in software development) are a series of procedures that track changes to systems or components of a larger system. The exact systems or components that are subject to audit are determined by the risk exposure of the overall system.

The most common types of audit controls are (see "Information technology audit" article on Wikipedia):

  • Data Capture Controls – ensures that all transactions are recorded in the application system, transactions are recorded only once, and rejected transactions are identified, controlled, corrected, and re-entered into the system.

  • Data Validation Controls – ensures that all transactions are properly valued.

  • Processing Controls – ensures the proper processing of transactions.

  • Output Controls – ensures that computer output is not distributed or displayed to unauthorized users.

  • Error Controls – ensures that errors are corrected and resubmitted to the application system at the correct point in processing.

Most of these controls are applied at the systems level. For example ACID compliant databases systems provide a level of data capture control.

You should tag your question with audit if you're asking about any of the following:

  1. Tracking changes to a system
  2. "Who did what" controls
  3. How to implement a "Maker-Checker" workflow

Questions related to general system logging of events and errors should not be tagged with audit.

1054 questions
6 answers

Database design for audit logging

Every time I need to design a new database I spend quite some time thinking on how I should set up the database schema to keep an audit log of the changes. Some questions have already been asked here about this, but I don't agree that there is a…
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8 answers

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

I need to create a database table to store different changelog/auditing (when something was added, deleted, modified, etc). I don't need to store particularly detailed info, so I was thinking something along the lines of: id (for the event) user…
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5 answers

See what process is using a file in Mac OS X

I would like to be able to track a file and see which process is touching that file. Is that possible? I know that I can see the list of open processes in activity monitor but I think it's happening to quickly for me to see it. The reason for…
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8 answers

Difference in Auditing and Logging?

I have been coming across these two words more often but i didn't see much difference in these? I mean want to know are they used interchangeably or there are some differences in those two? Thanks.
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6 answers

is there a yarn alternative for npm audit?

need pinned resolution feature of yarn, but also want to audit with npm audit? Is there a yarn alternative to npm audit? Or, alternately, will pinning resolutions of dependencies of dependencies work in npm?
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4 answers

Entity Framework 6: audit/track changes

I have my core project in C#. I work on a database, where some tables have the columns "user_mod" and "date_mod" for sign who and when made some mods and the same with "data_new" and "user_new". My question: is there a way to centralize this and…
Piero Alberto
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7 answers

MySQL auto-store datetime for each row

In MySQL, I'm sick of adding the columns dt_created and dt_modified (which are date time stamps for creation and last modified respectively) to all the tables I have in my database. Every time I INSERT or UPDATE the database, I will have to use the…
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7 answers

Counting the number of deleted rows in a SQL Server stored procedure

In SQL Server 2005, is there a way of deleting rows and being told how many were actually deleted? I could do a select count(*) with the same conditions, but I need this to be utterly trustworthy. My first guess was to use the @@ROWCOUNT…
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5 answers

Ideas on database design for capturing audit trails

How can I maintain a log of the data in my DB? I have to maintain a log of every change made to each row. That means that I can't allow DELETE and UPDATE to be performed. How can I keep such a log?
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10 answers

Creating audit triggers in SQL Server

I need to implement change tracking on two tables in my SQL Server 2005 database. I need to audit additions, deletions, updates (with detail on what was updated). I was planning on using a trigger to do this, but after poking around on Google I…
Mike Cole
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3 answers

Implementing Audit Log / Change History with MVC & Entity Framework

I am building in a Change History / Audit Log to my MVC app which is using the Entity Framework. So specifically in the edit method public ActionResult Edit(ViewModel vm), we find the object we are trying to update, and then use…
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6 answers

Suggestions for implementing audit tables in SQL Server?

One simple method I've used in the past is basically just creating a second table whose structure mirrors the one I want to audit, and then create an update/delete trigger on the main table. Before a record is updated/deleted, the current state is…
Brandon Wood
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4 answers

should I use PUT method for update, if I also update a timestamp attribute

To be more precise: According to rest style, it's generally assummed that POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE http methods should be used for CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE (CRUD) operations. In fact, if we stick to the http methods definition the thing…
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1 answer

Audit tables: Each field for table or one table

Everything is fine in my project except with the audit fields. Just insert and update is being audited in our imaginary universe. I proposed one table like similar to the next examples: best design for a changelog / auditing database…
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1 answer

Disable DELETE on table in PostgreSQL?

For a security sensitive design, I'd like to disable DELETEs on certain tables. The DELETE should merely set a deleted flag on a row (which would be then visible on a view, which would be used by the application layer). As I understand a rule would…
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