Questions tagged [audiosession]

An audio session is a group of related audio streams.

An audio session contains either rendering streams or capture streams, but not both. By default, the volume and mute settings for a rendering session are persistent across system restarts. The volume and mute settings for a capture session are not persistent. A session that contains streams that operate in loopback mode is treated the same as a capture session.

80 questions
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Recording Audio And Video at same Time in ios

I have to start recorder first which will record the audio during that i need to record video from camera as well. Code for audio Recording NSArray *pathComponents = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: …
Alok SInha
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1 answer

Using a bluetooth sound device in iOS7 without microphone permissions

With the iOS7 the AudioSession Category AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord asks for Microphone permission. However, that permission doesn't feel right if I only need to support bluetooth for external audio. There are some people that are in the…
Tiago Almeida
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AudioSessionSetActive(true) stops the iPod player shortly in case of category kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord is active

I am a bit confused. I have the following setup running. I am using the kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord category and the iPod plays some music in the background. If I want to play some app music with the following category overrides, the iPod…
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How do I make FMOD for iPhone sound not pause when iPhone locks?

I am using FMOD for iPhone to generate a tone and play it, but when the iPhone locks the sound pauses. This is not the desired behavior, and only recently popped up. I hadn't tested it in awhile, but the only thing that I think changed since last…
Ryan Maloney
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AudioSession Settings for RemoteIO to play nice with iPod

As I previously found here. If you start running an AVAssetReader while using a Remote I/O callback to play audio, starting the AVAssetReader will block the Remote I/O callback unless you allow iPod mixing with... UInt32 audioCategory =…
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Knowing when headphones are connected to the 3.5 mm jack works only if they weren't connected before the app started

I got this code to tell if the headphones are connected or not: This in viewDidLoad: AudioSessionAddPropertyListener(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteChange, audioSessionPropertyListener, nil); This function: void audioSessionPropertyListener(void*…
Shaul Amran
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unable to get speech recognition when using open ears with movie player

In my app i am using Open ears as my audio engine.I am using movie player to play the movie corresponding to the word i m speaking using open ears.But everytime when my first movie is loaded then my app Switches to the thread number 13059 ,after…
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How to programmatically change the volume on call using the Sinch SDK?

At the moment, when I call and try to change the volume with UI elements, I only see the UI change, the volume slider change, but not the device volume. The volume is static. For volume changing I'm using MPVolumeView static func…
1 answer

iOS: Is this an audio-session simulator bug? keywords: kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute kAudioSessionUnsupportedPropertyError

can someone confirm whether this is indeed a bug? ( If so I will go off and file it with Apple ). attempting to fetch kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute is returning error code kAudioSessionUnsupportedPropertyError on any version of the simulator…
P i
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Get Audio Session Id from Google Meet

I am playing with DynamicsProcessing. I want to process the audio from an external application. I just require the audioSessionId for that. I have no problems with Play Music, for example. I have used a BroadCastReceiver listening the…
Gabi Moreno
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BlueTooth audio capturing using airpod microphone

How to set audio session category so that external Bluetooth airpod device can record audio using airpod microphone and works flowless with other bluetooth device as well. Here is my code. AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession…
Maverick King
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Get currently active AudioSessions or AudioOutput

I'm trying to create a Visualizer with the Visualizer Class. The documentation says to use "0" as session id to get the audio output, however this seems to be deprecated and only results in an error. I searched for ways to get the currently active…
2 answers

AVAudioSession setCategory success but nothing happens

I am coding a iOS apps with core audio. Something strange come across. To do: AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; NSError *err = nil; [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord…
Vincent Yang
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AudioQueue code from SpeakHere fails on iPad

I've using the SpeakHere audio classes in an App I'm creating that must Play & Record simultaneously. I'm using the newest SDK with a 3.2 device target in a universal app build (targeting iPad & iPhone). The app plays streaming movies using…
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iOS audio system. Start & stop or just start?

I have an app, where audio recording is the main and the most important part. However user can switch to table view controller where all records are displayed and no recording is performed. The question is what approach is better: "start & stop…
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