Questions tagged [attr-accessible]

attr-accessible creates a white-list of editable attributes

attr-accessible is reference of Ruby on Rails new "attr_accessible" feature. It lets programmers define a white-list of attributes that can be modified by a user through its user interface.

104 questions
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Forbidden Attributes Error in Rails 4 when encountering a situation where one would have used attr_accessible in earlier versions of Rails

With the recent upgrade to Rails 4, updating attributes using code resembling the below does not work, I get a ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributes error: @user.update_attributes(params[:user], :as => :admin) Where User has the following…
4 answers

Using attr_accessor and attr_accessible on the same field

What happens in the background with the following code? class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :name attr_accessible :name end Hint: When instantiating the class, will it be persisted to the database? Why or why not?
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Using Rails 3.1 :as => :admin for updating attributes protected by attr_accessible

After reading about attr_accessible in the Rails 3.1 API, I see that there is an as :admin option in there. I would like to know two things. If the user has an admin flag, how do does my controller tell my model that the user is an admin. If the…
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Difference between attr_accessible and strong parameters

I have just been doing a bit of reading on attr_accessor, attr_accessible and strong parameters at a few different locations: Difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible How is attr_accessible used in Rails…
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attr_accessible in rails Active Record

When I use the attr_accessible to specify which fields from my Model I will expose, is it true for script/console as well? I mean something that I didn't specify as attr_accessible won't be accessible as well through console ?
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Specify attribute list in attr_accessor with method call

I want to create large number of attributes which can be done with ease if constructed with method call like this, attr_accessor :attr_list def attr_list [:x1, :y1, :x2, :y2] end This is not working. Is there any other way to achieve…
maximus ツ
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Rails 3.2, Mass Assignment, Dynamic Roles?

I have a Rails app with a user model that contains an admin attribute. It's locked down using attr_accessible. My model looks like this: attr_accessible :name, :email, :other_email, :plant_id, :password, :password_confirmation attr_accessible :name,…
3 answers

Rails and attr_accessible: is there a way to raise an exception if a non-mass-assignable attribute is mass-assigned?

Is there a way to have rails raise an error if an attempt is made to mass-assign attributes that aren't allowed by attr_accessible? This would be handy in development to remind me why my shiny new model isn't working, and also good to log in…
John Bachir
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Updating Model Attributes

I have a Rails app that is a blogging platform, allowing for multiple contributing authors. My User model has a :writer boolean attribute for assigning writing permissions. However, :writer is NOT listed under attr_accessible for the User model.…
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Mass assignment fails when upgrading to Rails 4

deprecated_mass_assignment_security.rb:17:in `attr_accessible': `attr_accessible` is extracted out of Rails into a gem. Please use new recommended protection model for params(strong_parameters) or add `protected_attributes` to your Gemfile to use…
1 answer

rails attr_accessible rspec check

When I want to test if attribute is / is not accessible with RSpec I'm doing it like this class Foo attr_accesible :something_else end describe Foo do it('author should not be accessible') {lambda{>true)}.should…
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Please use new recommended protection model for params(strong_parameters) or add `protected_attributes` to your gemfile

This happened when I added an attr_accessible to my Relationship model. class Relationship < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :followed_id end Without using Devise or a protected_attributes gem, what is the way around this? I know that in…
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Custom user fields in Devise 3 under Rails 4

I'm using the release candidate of Devise 3 so that I can use it with Rails 4. In Rails 3.2 I used to be able to add a custom field to my User model by simply adding that field to the registration/edit.html.erb and registration/new.html.erb files…
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Devise not working with Rails 4.0rc1

Is there a way to get Devise to work with Rails 4.0rc1? I get the following error when trying to start the rails server or even to generate the Devise…
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Rails 3.1 attr_accessible verification receives an array of roles

I would like to use rails new dynamic attr_accessible feature. However each of my user has many roles (i am using declarative authorization). So i have the following in my model: class Student < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :first_name, :as=>…
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