Questions tagged [assetbundle]

AssetBundles are a collection of assets, packaged for loading at runtime. With Asset Bundles, you can dynamically load and unload new content into your application. AssetBundles can be used to implement post-release DLC

AssetBundles are a collection of assets, packaged for loading at runtime. With Asset Bundles, you can dynamically load and unload new content into your application. AssetBundles can be used to implement post-release DLC.

They can be used to reduce the amount of space on disk used by your game, when first deployed. It can also be used to add new content to an already published game.

202 questions
2 answers

Unity WebGL asset bundle memory is not releasing

I am loading and Caching Asset Bundles using below function in unity webgl: IEnumerator DownloadAndCacheAB(string assetName) { // Wait for the Caching system to be ready while (!Caching.ready) yield return null; …
Muhammad Faizan Khan
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2 answers

Build and load Assetbundles in Unity

I cannot get Unity Assetbundles working in an iOS build. In Unity I build the assetbundles: using UnityEditor; public class CreateAssetBundles { [MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundles")] static void BuildAllAssetBundles() { …
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3 answers

yii2 asset bundle - single file position

I am doing a web app on Yii2 framework. Defined (extended) new AssetBundle class NeonAsset extends AssetBundle { public $sourcePath = '@app/themes/neon/'; public $css = [ 'css/font-icons/entypo/css/entypo.css', '...', '...' …
5 answers

How to load asset with same name, but placed in different folders from assetbundle?

I am using unity5.3.3, I would like to know how should I get the asset from an asset bundle, whose names are same but are kept in different folder. My AssetBundle Folder is set in the following manner: MyAssets -> this Folder is packed as an…
Sushant Poojary
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2 answers

Unity - Is it necessary to exclude assets being used in AssetBundles from game build?

Having a difficult time finding much information on how AssetBundles actually work. Can't find any explanation on how to manage asset bundles with a game build. Basically I have a folder called AssetBundles in my Project window. All assets that I…
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Unity 3D: Asset Bundles vs. Resources folder vs www.Texture

So, I've done a bit of reading around the forums about AssetBundles and the Resources folder in Unity 3D, and I can't figure out the optimal solution for the problem I'm facing. Here's the problem: I've got a program designed for standalone, that…
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1 answer

How to use JSX file in Yii2 Asset Bundle

I have Yii2 project setup and I've decided to use Facebook's JavaScript framework React.js which provided a convenient way to declare HTML templates inside JavaScript code, called JSX. My JavaScript looks as following: (function () { 'use…
George Borunov
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2 answers

How to add jQuery UI to an Asset Bundle

I have the following asset bundle and i would like to add jQuery UI as part of it as well. How can I do it?
Balaji Viswanath
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1 answer

Get AssetBundle manifest file from server

I am new in Unity and and I start to use AssetBundle for my project to download them from server. I use UnityWebRequestAssetBundle to download the assets because WWW is obsolete. Everything is works fine I can download the assets from the server put…
Máté Nagy
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1 answer

UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest doens't send on mobile

I am downloading Assetbundles using the UnitywebRequest method from HTTPS, however the UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest seems to take its sweet time to actually start receiving any data. public static IEnumerator DownloadMenuAssetBundle(string…
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Is it possible to create an asset bundle without Unity editor?

We need to create asset bundles automatically on our server, but having Unity installed on the server and running it via command line would fit badly in our server design. So we're wondering if there's any other way to create asset bundles. A .Net…
Knaus Irina
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3 answers

How can i load asset bundle which don't know the name of asset?

I want to load and instantiate asset from my asset bundle, but in unity 5.+ i can do it with code like this: Note: my assetbundle have one asset inside itself, like: AssetBundle myLoadedAssetBundle; public string path; void Start() { …
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1 answer

Issues displaying Sprites loaded from AssetBundle in Editor Play mode

I'm struggling with an issue in Unity loading Sprites from a SpriteAtlas, downloaded in an AssetBundle. In our current game I am trying to implement AssetBundles to remove "Resources" folder usage, and reduce memory overhead (among other things). In…
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Saving Unity AssetBundle From WebServer to Local Storage using AssetBundle Manager

I'm very new to unity and I got stuck in storing Asset and also I'm not a native English man so sorry for my English also. I'm using asset bundle manager of unity and I can load assets from the server when I need them but I don't want to load the…
Rahul Das
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1 answer

Get Hash128 from AssetBundle for the Caching.IsVersionCached function

I want to know AssetBundle already in cache. This is usually done with the Caching.IsVersionCached function. The Caching.IsVersionCached(string url, int version) function overload is no longer supported in Unity 2017.1. Unity 2017.3 is recommends…
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