Questions tagged []

Refers to the version 4.5 of the ASP.NET web application framework introduced with the .NET Framework 4.5

Refers to the version 4.5 of the ASP.NET web application framework introduced with the .NET Framework 4.5

609 questions
1 answer

Activator.CreateInstance() - Is there a more efficient way of creating objects?

I have a lot of pieces of code which currently use Activator.CreateInstance() to create objects based off the type. Is there a more optimized way of accomplishing this?
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1 answer

Upgrading from ASP.NET MVC 3 to ASP.NET MVC 4 leads to 404 errors

I just upgraded ASP.NET MVC 3 to ASP.NET MVC 4 with .NET 4.5 and root controllers were working but controllers in MVC Area started giving 404 errors. I looked up for IIS 7 QFE patch, but it is not applicable to windows 8. By setting breakpoints, I…
Akash Kava
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1 answer

ASP.NET 4.5 Won't Uninstall from Windows 8

I have been running into compatibility issues recently with my dev environment, and it was suggested that I uninstall and reinstall ASP.NET 4.5 on my windows 8 laptop. In order to uninstall on Windows 8, you must use the "Turn Windows Features…
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1 answer

ASP.NET restrict application

Currently I am working on multiple projects as a third party (outsourced) where I have no control over the hosting. My application is modular enough to be changed on the fly, all that's required is slight edit in Html / CSS and it'll become a brand…
Mr. 笑哥
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1 answer

Independent thread in 4.5

protected void Button1_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { FineTuneDB();// Long Task running in db SendSMStoAllClients();// Using Twolio API to send sms to all client long task lblText.Text = "Button click is completed our system…
SOF User
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2 answers

Can't figure out why I dont have access to a public function in a separate class

I am trying to call a public function inside a public class in my web application but for some reason the function is not accessible even though I can get to the class fine and the function is marked as public. When I call FileUploader, the only…
1 answer

.NET 4.5 SessionAuthenticationModule

I am trying to use a SessionAuthenticationModule to create a token and write it to the cookies instead of using the old FormAuthentication.SetAuthCookie. This is so I can also add claims to my principal and have them available on every request. It…
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1 answer

Using mutiple context in EF 5 for LINQ instead of one large context

I am using EF 5 with Code First in my ASP.Net Web Forms App and have created a master context called "Compleate" and when ever I make LINQ calls against it everything works fine. Because the server I am running on does not have lots of resources I…
1 answer

async await web api file io

I'm using the following async code in a web api controller to process an XML file. Everything works as expected, however is this the correct use of the async/await approach. I'm basically extracting all images from the XML file and then saving…
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1 answer

How to do paging in repeater?

How to do paging for a table of 10 records to show only some of them at once. The code behind is: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rep_Bind(); } private void Rep_Bind() { …
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1 answer

working of linkbutton in repeater

I used a linkbutton in repeater which on click shows data in a label.Now i want that clicking again the same linkbutton hide that data,means same button for showing and hiding data. there is a database with a table which contains…
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2 answers

Using await in ASP.NET webform pages inline code

If I have some inline code in my ASP.NET webforms page (in .NET 4.5), e.g.
  • <% =ListItemWithPrice("Widget")%>
  • and I want to make ListItemWithPrice async, is it possible to await it on the page? I know I can use
  • <%…
  • Wilka
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    3 answers

    Do I need 4.5 hosting for a Visual Studio 2012 project?

    Do I need 4.5 hosting for a Visual Studio 2012 project? I am using 2012 SQL Server as well. Does this require 4.5 framework for hosting?
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    Table Valued Function in Entity Framework 5 VS 2012 not mapping

    Just installed Visual Studio Web Express 2012 just so that I could map TVFs. But I find that, while the functions import to the model as the expected complex types, they do not show up in the model diagram. The model is database first, which is…
    1 answer

    Checked solution into TFS, references break on second machine

    I've been working on a web application (ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms), and then added it to TFS to make the source code accessible to the client. I had no trouble getting it added to TFS, but when I got latest on a different machine (than the one I…
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