Questions tagged []

Refers to the version 4.5 of the ASP.NET web application framework introduced with the .NET Framework 4.5

Refers to the version 4.5 of the ASP.NET web application framework introduced with the .NET Framework 4.5

609 questions
1 answer

VS2012 - Button Not Posting Back

This has to be simple. Still, I've noticed VS2012 acting very erratic - sometimes it won't generate the designer file entries for example. Has anyone got any idea what might be going on here? I've tried adding the button both in code and by dragging…
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1 answer 4.5 model binding usercontrol within formview

How can I bind usercontrol within formview. If I not use usercontrol everythings work fine , when I move to inputs in usercontrol model binding is not working.
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Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET Web Forms & HTML5

I have a question related to Web Forms. Do the ASP.NET Web Controls provided in Visual Studio 2012 emit HTML5 as output? I understand we can use custom controls or content adapters to make web control emit HTML5 even with Visual Studio 2010 and…
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MVC 4 bundling not working when deployed Windows Server 2012 RC

I have MVC 4 web app developed on the VS2012 RC that works perfectly on the local machine. But unfortunately looses all styling and JS links on the Windows Server 2012 running IIS8. I am using bundling in App_Start/BundleConfig.cs following…
1 answer 4.5 "multi-core jitting" not working

I'd like to take advantage of the new multi-core jitting feature in .net 4.5. My web.config is set to targetFramework="4.5" The application pool framework in IIS is set to v4.0 (from what I understand, that is correct) My processor is an i7 with 4…
Chris Haines
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sporadic NullPointerException in CurrentModuleContainer.Get Asp .Net code when doing async handling

I have an Asp .Net application for which I'm using the new async/await paradigm with .net 4.5 RC. I am using the new task-based async http handler HttpTaskAsyncHandler for handling http request. In my code i'm doing some I/O streaming a file to the…
rony l
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0 answers

Using T4MVC with .NET 4.5 in Visual Studio 2012 RC

Does anyone know if this is possible? I can get it to work OK if I build for 4.0 compatibility but when I use 4.5 all my tests fail with the familiar; System.Security.VerificationException: Method …
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1 answer

MVC3 routing with period in .NET 4.5 / VS2012

A route I had working in VS2010/.NET 4/MVC3 seems broken in VS2012 and .NET 4.5 (although with MVC3 still). Previously I had a route like this:- routes.MapRoute("TMS", "{controller}/{action}/{id}.{extension}"); which was successfully matched for a…
0 answers

Cannot get net 4.5rc to work

I have installed .net 4.5rc from because I would like to use the new spatial features when developing with visual visual web developer 2010 express. But when I want to change the target…
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5 answers

Is HTML5 compatible with C#?

I am having trouble finding a clear answer on this one. I have an ASP.NET 4.0 Silverlight app, but recently a ton of users are complaining about not being able to use the site on mobile devices and Linux distro's. The app is built on MVVM…
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1 answer

Microsoft identity platform Asp.Net c# and Visual Studio

I have an application developed in Asp.Net 4.5. Authentication and authorization are done through Asp.Net Identities. The application was developed in Visual Studio 2013. I now want to move to Microsoft identity platform. Which versions of Asp.Net…
Dov Miller
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1 answer

Is it possible to Migrate MVC ".Net framework 4.5" application to "ASP.NET MVC CORE". If yes then how?

I have an existing MVC web application build using .Net framework 4.5 in visual studio 2015. Now what i want is to migrate this application to new framework i.e ASP.NET MVC CORE using visual studio 2015 without installing any other framework tool or…
2 answers

How do I remove duplicates from an dropdown list being populated by files names from a directory?

I have an C# webform project. I have created a dropdown list that is bound to a local upload directory. The directory contains video files. Each video has 3 file extension (mp4, ogv, and webm). I only want one of each file name to appear…
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1 answer

.Net project try to load unused assembly

I'm taking over a .Net project which is composed (the solution) of 7 projects. Two of them consist of the main project, so the user interface and the admin interface. I managed to run the user interface buti'm still blocked on the admin one. Here's…
2 answers

Improve ASP.NET page_load Performance

Suppose i have many dropdownlist in my aspx page and every dropdownlist is connected to database. So what approach that i uses for the page_load. Any Suggestion? I am using ASP.Net C# with SQL Server 2008.
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