Questions tagged [approximation]

Approximation algorithms are algorithms used to find approximate solutions to optimization problems.

Approximation algorithms are algorithms which generate feasible solutions to optimizazion algorithms. Although permitted to generate solution which are not optimal, there is an algorithm-dependent bound for the ratio of the objective of an optimum and the objective of the generated solution; this ratio is termed the approximation ratio.

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463 questions
1 answer

travelling sales man for an incomplete graph

i have a large weighted graph.i want to compute an approximate shortest hamiltonian path which goes through all nodes with the lowest cost. my graph is really big that it doesn't fit in my memory. so i decided to randomly ignore some edges and load…
1 answer

Finding approximation function which depend on 8-parameters

I have a lot entries of data, each entry consists of 8 (eight) numbers. For each entry I know "fitness score" (i.e. how "good" this entry). And, I want to build/find approximation function ("fitness score" dependent on those 8 parameters). Not only…
2 answers

will this sinus approximation be faster than a shader CG sinus function?

I have some functions that are not really sines but they are a lot quicker than conventional processing, they are simple parabole functions. Will this be faster on a graphics processor than the built-in graphics sinus function: float par (float…
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1 answer

IEEE floating points implementation, precision and accumulation of approximations

If I understand IEEE floating points correctly, they are unable to accurately represent some values. They are accurate in very limited cases and pretty much every floating point operation increases the accumulated approximations. Also, another…
1 answer

Optimization block in python (scipy) - a histogram with a histogram

I need to fit an experimental histogram by a simulated one (to determine several parameters of the simulated one with which it fits best). I've tried curve_fit from scipy.optimize, but it does not work in this case: an error "... is not a python…
5 answers

fast small angle sinus/cosinus approximation

I'm doing some rigid-body rotation dynamics simulation, which means I have to compute many rotations by small angle, which has performance bottleneck in evaluation of trigonometric function. Now I do it by Taylor(McLaurin) series: class double2{ …
Prokop Hapala
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2 answers

If Best Fit Straight Line the best method for prediction

I need to make prediction for a next point, based on given set of point samples on 2-d coordinate system. I am using Best-Fit Straight Line method for such prediction. Please let me know if there is method better than Best-Fit Straight Line? My code…
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2 answers

finding very close points on plane - approximate clustering algorithm needed

I have many points (latitudes and longitudes) on a plane (a city) and I want to find two clusters. Cluster 1 is points cluttered close together and Cluster 2 is everything else. I know the definition of the problem is not exact. The only thing…
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1 answer

Make python use more resources in calculations

Hi I'm trying to do some matrix calculations using python. The problem is there seems to be a limit of how much CPU will the process consume (about 13% of my Core i7). Is there a way I can make it use more resources?
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1 answer

An algorithm to skip 3D curve points

Currently I am drawing a 3D curve consisting of 1200...1500 straight micro-lines directed by an array of 3D points (x,y,z), but rendering is a bit slow regardless of used technology (Adobe Flash, Three.js). The curve is a kind of 3D arc with a 180…
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1 answer

Considering elements together which are approximately equal

We have some elements characterized by some key value. We consider the elements in descending order of key values. So, if we have ten elements with key values, 4, 5, 7, 10, 2, 8, 9, 10, 8.5, 9, we sort the elements by their key values, and consider…
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1 answer

Approximation to find a value using Python

So I have one vector of alpha, one vector of beta, and I am trying to find a theta for when the sum of all the estimates (for alpha's i to n and beta's i to n) equals 60. math.exp(alpha[i] * (theta - beta[i])) / (1 + math.exp(alpha[i] * (theta -…
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2 answers

TSP-Variant, possible algorithm?

One of the classical Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) definitions is: Given a weighted complete undirected graph where triangle inequality holds return an Hamiltonian path of minimal total weight. In my case I do not want an Hamiltonian path, I…
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1 answer

Maximizing profit in graph having positive weight cycles

I have a set of vertices with some profit defined between each pair of vertices such that profit(i,j) may not be equal to profit(j,i). Moreover there exist positive weight cycles and the profit may be negative. This is a NP-hard problem to find the…
Shashwat Kumar
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1 answer

Logic for rate approximation

I am looking for some logic to solve the below problem. There are n transaction amounts : T1,T2,T3.. Tn. Commission for these transactions are calculated using a rate table provided as below. if amount between 0 and A1 -> rate is r1 if amount…
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