Questions tagged [application-structure]

Use this tag for questions related to the Application Structure, i.e. the general architecture of an application.

is used in its general meaning and describes the general structure of an application.

As a result, you are encouraged to use one or more additional tags, to better describe your specific case.

22 questions
5 answers

When should I use my own namespace and when should I extend native js objects?

I am in the process of refactoring my code. I'm having trouble deciding on how exactly to implement a couple utility functions I have. Specifically, if certain functions are better off in my personal namespace or extending js Objects…
3 answers

Beginner CodeIgniter concepts - Reusable view code, where to go? (Helper?)

I am a beginner with CodeIgniter still struggling to get a complete grasp on how to use the MVC ideology most cleanly. I am writing a basic CMS system with the ability to vote on entries and follow people etc, consequently, I have found myself using…
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Save or destroy data/DOM elements? Which takes more resources?

I've been getting more and more into high-level application development with JavaScript/jQuery. I've been trying to learn more about the JavaScript language and dive into some of the more advanced features. I was just reading an article on memory…
Derek Adair
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3 answers

NodeJS local modules for complex application structures

I'm currently part of team building a Windows 8 application using JavaScript. We are using npm and browserify to manage dependencies and convert our modules to AMD browser friendly format. One issue we are running into is crazy require paths. This…
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Application file re-organization in Yii 2

I have set up new Yii2 project. Now I want to reorganize folder structure in two folders "public" and "app" (which actually represents the protected files). All the code from framework goes in "app" folder. In "public" folder I have only one script…
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0 answers

React call all output .html file into a single parent .html file

Do you have any idea how to call each .html with bundle.js to a single parent .html with layout? /Documentation -- /node_modules -- index.html -- bundle.js -- webpack.config.js /Marketing -- /node_modules -- index.html -- bundle.js --…
Juni Brosas
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1 answer

What to do about those page specific little classes that don't seem to fit as Models or Libraries in CodeIgniter?

In my current implementation of the MVC design pattern (demonstrated using PHP and CodeIgniter): Let's say I have a "page" located at "" that is ultimately generated by the following (greatly simplified) files: /libraries    …
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1 answer

Meteor index.js is implied, how?

I have a pretty basic question and I've read through the Meteor Application Structure but this is still a little confusing: In meteor chef's understanding the imports directory, it says that: The index.js file is implied by not specifying a…
5 answers

JavaScript file inclusion. Should I not link in ?

I'm watching Douglas Crockfords "Theory of the DOM" and he mentioned that the location of my script tags can greatly affect the load time of my applications. Furthermore, he asserts that a script tag should be included as far towards the bottom of…
Derek Adair
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6 answers

Access Modifiers ... Why?

Ok so I was just thinking to myself why do programmers stress so much when it comes down to Access Modifiers within OOP. Lets take this code for example / PHP! class StackOverflow { private var $web_address; public function…
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1 answer

Should we call Web API from MVC application in same solution?

I am working on a project in MVC that has mobile application so one thing is clear that we have to use Web API so it can used in mobile application. After creating API when we started to develop Web site we are confused and had discussion on whether…
3 answers

CanJS folder structure

When creating simple projects we directly specify models and controllers in the same file and then write. My app.js looks like this: var Library = can.Model({}); var Control = can.Control({.....}); var control = new Control('#main'); and…
Shraddha Shravagi
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1 answer

CakePHP App-Structure: one DB & App vs. multiple DBs & Apps

I have a brief conceptional question: Recently, I started to develop an app in which I can (on the fly) create clients who, in turn, can create projects that have lots of other stuff (own logins, etc). The URL-structure is…
2 answers

iOS Project Structure for Presentation App

I'm gonna build presentation app, which will present a brand product. Presentation will have multiple slides (states) with common background. In some slides I can go back to previous slide My questions: 1. Do I have to use View Based Application?…
Almas Adilbek
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1 answer

the application structure in node.js?

I am familiar with Java web containers, where web applications are deployed as war files. I am confused how to deploy CSS, JS, HTML, images (and so on) in Node.js. How does one do this? I have very limited knowledge of Node.js. Thanks in advance!
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