Questions tagged [apostrophe]

The single-quote character (')

475 questions
5 answers

Multiple apostrophe's in javascript generated link

I'm having trouble passing apostrophe's into a string. Everything I try (escaping etc) freaks out. Could you advise me how to output the following line in the browser :
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1 answer

concat apostrophe to oracle sql query

Hi all I am looking for some pointers on how I can add an apostrophe to my query results on my first column. My current query: set verify off set colsep "'," set pagesize 2000 ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-YY-HH24:MI:SS'; spool…
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How can you convert apostrophe type in PHP? Wrong one being echoed

Basically I've got an array in PHP I'm looping through and outputting to an HTML text area. The data going in contains a list of strings, some of which use apostrophe's. EG: "Item One's Data", "Item Two Data", "Item Three's Data"....etc. The…
2 answers

Replace Apostrophe with Quote mark in Python

I'm trying to write a program which compares specific parameters of INI Files. The problem is that there are some Strings in those files which are marked with an apostrophe and some other which are marked with quote marks. What I am trying to do is…
2 answers

How do you delete one apostrophe where it is duplicated in a string?

In ruby, say I have this string: "abc''xyz''" (those are 2 single quotes after abc and xyz) Now, I am trying to find a way to make it into this string: "abc'xyz'" I want to delete only one apostrophe from this string in locations where there are two…
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APOSTROPHE issue with java and SQL

I have code, where I have single quote or APOSTROPHE in my search I have database which is having test table and in name column of value is "my'test" When running SELECT * from test WHERE name = 'my''test'; this works fine If I use the same in a…
1 answer

How to pass a C# variable with apostrophe through MySql

I'm having a problem inputting variables into my database. I've seen other posts on how to pass a variable through by just escaping it, but those solutions do not apply because I am getting my variable's through an API. I'm cycling though data with…
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3 answers

f.readline() returns text in apostrophes, how to remove it?

I need to read a list of colors from txt file. For example color.txt which looks like this: red blue green what I do is: with open('color.txt') as f: line = f.readline().strip() when calling 'line' my result comes…
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1 answer

Apostrophes in Html and JavaScript

how can I write this string correctly? tr = tr + '' Thank you!
2 answers

Apostrophe in char data type

char c; c = '2'; printf("%d\n",c); So this question is from my quiz, it is asking what is the display. The answer is 50, i tried by using program, but why it is 50? not 2 or anything?
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