Questions tagged [apk-signing]

11 questions
3 answers

"The security strength of SHA-1 digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size" while rebuilding on Android Studio

I am facing this problem while building the project. Below is the stacktrace. I created a new keystore file for release key but didn't work. Caused by: Failed to generate v1 signature at…
umesh lohani
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7 answers

generate signed apk is not working, apk is unsigned

I used to generate a signed apk from Android Studio and everything was working well until I updated Android Studio to 3.3. It generates an apk but after I try to install it, it says: App Not Installed! My Trial was by: Click on build Generate…
Khalid Taha
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0 answers

Different signingConfig in multi-dimensional build flavors

Small example will describe the case: flavorDimensions 'shape', 'api' productFlavors { fruit { dimension "shape" } vegtable { dimension "shape" } production { …
0 answers

What values I should configure in my github actions secrets in order to sign my apk?

According to this answer I should run te following command in order to build an apk and sign it? ./gradlew assembleRelease$KEYFILE$STORE_PASSWORD…
Dimitrios Desyllas
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Android Release version style broken

I have one problem to build android. My problem is style broken. More detail, when I run the android with debug mode it run good and not broken style. But when I run the android with release mode, the style is broken. I don't know about that. My…
1 answer

Android signing key change (not Play Store distributed app)

I have the following scenario: We have a critical app that's distributed through apk download from our own servers (not Play store). The app updates itself, and another app, by downloading and installing the apk (with android intent). Both these…
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1 answer

ApkSigner fails to sign APK after AGP update to 4.1.0

I'm using Dynatrace Android Agent. As part of instrumentation it needs to sign the .apk using ApkSigner.jar. After I updated the Android Gradle Plugin from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 the signature process has started failing with the following exception: line…
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1 answer

Fetching the certificate fingerprint if an apk is signed with only v2 Signing Scheme

The v2 signing scheme works (referred in the link) v2 Signing Scheme I have few doubts regarding the same. If an apk is only signed with v2 signing scheme (not by v1 signing scheme) then, how to fetch the certificate fingerprint of an apk? The…
1 answer

Does an updated APK need to be verified on v1, v2, and v3 scheme?

Before re-uploading my updated APK to Google Play, I've used apksigner to confirm that its signature will be verified successfully on all versions of the Android platform that it supports. I got this result: Verifies Verified using v1 scheme (JAR…
0 answers

How check is old version of apk was signed with same key as new version of apk

In my android project I has old version of my sign apk. Also I has new version of my sign apk. I need to check that old version and new version of apk was signed by same key. How I can do this? P.S. Only old version was published in playstore
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0 answers

apk sign -> error:

in my app/build.gradle: buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } But when I try…
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