Questions tagged [apk-expansion-files]

APK Expansion Files include additional data that is required for an Android App if the file size of the App is bigger than 50 MB. It is downloaded and hosted by the Google Play Store.

Google Play currently requires that your APK file be no more than 50MB. If your app exceeds 50MB, Google Play allows you to attach up to two APK expansion files that supplement your APK.

Android Docs

326 questions
5 answers

Steps to create APK expansion file

I have developed Application and work successfully. I have used Application Licensing feature into my application. And now I'm going to upload an application on google play. Please let me know the steps, How to use Application licensing and how to…
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9 answers

Release APK file not showing google maps

I applied the exact steps as mentioned in the google developer doc to create an example google map project and everything went fine on the emulator, but when I generated the project apk file and launched it on real device Samsung Galaxy S4 google…
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2 answers

Android APK size limitation in Google Play

Docs say that APK size limit in Google Play is 50MB, with option for two 2GB expansion APKs. However, I can find apps in Google Play store that are beyond this 50MB limitation (Gears & Guts for example is 371MB). I can download this game straight…
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4 answers

How to make Android Expansion File using Android Studio?

I need to upload a .apk but it exceeds the 50 MB limit. I read about this on documentation and some questions but I'm having difficulty making this work. Does anyone have some tutorials that explain how to do this (using Android Studio) and if there…
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2 answers

Where to I place the OBB file to test Android Expansion Pack Files (OBB) on my Nexus 4?

I'm trying to test the Expansion Pack Files (OBB) In Android following the guide here: I'm in the step where I need to test my app on my Nexus 4. I generated my .obb file with jobb and…
Daniele Segato
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2 answers

Disable automatic download of APK expansion files

Is it possible to disable the automatic download of the APK expansion file when you download the application from google play? Can I force google play to disable the download and let the application download itself the expansion file? Thanks
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3 answers

How to exclude resources or aar files from main APK

As i need to reduce the size of APK file, I have followed Apk Expansion guide to divide APK in chunks. The Downloader library defines ways to download the expansion file, but i need to know the way to exclude resource files and aar files from…
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0 answers

Testing Google Play's apk expansion service

I have an Android app that needs large media files. The app works fine enough: I can read my own .obb file format from the local storage, and the only thing I need to implement is the manual download procedure for the expansion files, for when…
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4 answers

Android 6.0 permissions and mounting OBB

I have a problem with permissions on Android 6.0 and higher. The game I'm working on was using the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. On Android 6.0 and higher the alert which asks a user to allow it had to be displayed. I've received a request to…
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1 answer

getFileDescriptor returns null while reading mp3 files from the expansion files

I have downloaded and stored the expansion files successfully.But it crashes when i try to play the mp3 inside.. ZipResourceFile expansionFile = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile(getApplicationContext(), 1,…
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1 answer

Handling APK Expansion Files in beta and released version

Some time ago I've released a beta version of my app and connected it with an APK Expansion File. Then I wanted to update my APK without touching the files and did following: The version code of my app was 7 and the provider also had this value. The…
Deno Agüero
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0 answers

How can i use APK Expansion Files with React-Native

im building application with use of many sound files with big size. So problem that my apk file is much bigger then 100Mb limit, and i need to use APK Expansion Files. I tried search on the internet how ti handle this, but found nothing. Maybe some…
3 answers

Expansion file downloaded but not there

So I've copied the expansion package sample for Android and made it run based on the guide provided by google. I've successfully made it work by storing a local .obb file but I can't manage to get it to work with downloading the .obb file. The state…
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2 answers

Can't mount .obb file (state = 21) on Meizu m3 note

I've met with another strange issue with APK Expansion files (.obb-files). My expansion file mounts fine on all my test devices: Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (API 22) Sony Xperia Z1 Ultra (API 22) LG Nexus 5X (API 23) LG Nexus 4 (API 17) I've created…
Pavel Strelchenko
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1 answer

play_licensing throws AIDL error with downloader_library for APK Expansion with Gradle

I tried to use the APK Expansion libs zip_file and downloader_library (which requires play_licensing). zip_file worked fine since it has no dependencies, but play_licensing throws an error when I try a Gradle sync. Android Studio spits out this…
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