Questions tagged [angular1.6]

143 questions
1 answer

How to pass data form node js to Angular 1.x, if some one is hitting node js api?

I am working on functionality where the user can hit '' with post request. After validating the request, how can I send return value to Angular js 1.X? I am using nodeJs as a backend.
1 answer

Identify if Angular is present before calling FindElement

I have these browser drivers: public IWebDriver Browser { get; } public NgWebDriver NgBrowser { get; } When I try to find an element with the XPath selector, if Angular is not present it will fail if I use NgBrowser: var byXpath =…
3 answers

Angular interpolating {{ }} in url params, is there a way to sanitize the url?

We have an edge case issue where an external application requires a specific url parameter to be present in the url request to our website: Here is a screenshot: Occasionally, the url parameter will…
Tuan B
  • 41
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1 answer

how to set color to Angular-nvd3 (1.0.7)

I'm working on an AngularJS 1.5.3 project , and I use Angular-nvd3(1.0.7). I have met 2 problems: 1,When I'm using a discreteBarChart , I need to assign different color to every column,like this:(seems the picture can't display , you can imaging it…
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0 answers

Angular v1 - Module's config not called via Lazyload

Lazyload Config in Parent App { name: "lazyload-module", files: ["http://link_to_lazyload_module_js"], reconfig: true, rerun: true }, Module Code to be LazyLoaded ` (function() { var __MODULE_NAME = "lazyload-module"; var app =…
Krishna A
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1 answer

Not getting previous state name after the page has been reloaded[Using F5 key]

I need a way to go back to a previous state after the current page has been reloaded. I have multiple solutions but they have some limitation: 1) history.back(); It is not working when the user will remove it's browser's history. 2) Using…
Akash Gadhiya
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2 answers

Using ui bootstrap with angular 1.5 es6 - component is not working , go binding params undefined

I am using angular 1.6 webpack es6 . 1 imported bootstrap as following (how can I import only the moda? ) in app.js module import uiBootstrap from 'angular-ui-bootstrap'; 2- call to uibmodal open from service : ${ animation:…
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0 answers

First time parent & child checkbox not checked in treeview kendo ui with angularjs 1.6

I have integrated Kendo UI v2017.3.1206 ( treeview with angular 1.6. I have one strange issue like when i am first time clicking on any parent checkbox its not selecting its children chekboxes and at second time…
0 answers

Fixed number of rows per page using pdfmake.js

Defined an own table layouts using pdfmake.js. On print I want per page to contain 7 rows(fixed).I have tried adjusting the height and width of the table cell to contain 7 rows but however if the data in table cell increases the page accumulates…
1 answer

Upgrade to Angular 1.6 breaks select dropdown

I have an app built using Angular 1.5 where the following code works just fine: