Questions tagged [angular-cdk-virtual-scroll]

81 questions
0 answers

cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport not sorting correctly

I am using cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport to render a list. There is also a filter feature in my app. So when I load the page, the list is sorted correctly. But when I filter into the list, it messes up the sorting. Each time there is one row that is…
2 answers

CDK virtual scroll has no doms

I'm using CDK virtual scroll to improve the performance of a dropdown which will have huge data. I have followed all the steps as per the documentation. But when I open the dropdown I don't see any dom with in cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport…
0 answers

Cdk virtual scroll with dynamic number of items giving error

cdk virtual scroll in angular 8 is giving the following error, when loading data from api ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'height: '. Current value: 'height: 34000px'
1 answer

primeng p-virtualScroller empty list items and scrollbar issue

I am using primeng p-virtualScroller for implementing loading data with scroller.It is working fine.But I am facing the below issue: When the search result is less still it shows the scroller and emplty list items. Below is the code I am using in…
Suresh Negi
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Blank space is Displayed at the Bottom of DropDowns in Virtual Scroll for Angular 8

This Issue is Occurring when I modify the DropDown Array, like if a DropDown array containing a single element has been replaced by an array of more than 8 elements. Same time onScroll(start, end) method is called with value start=0 and End=6 so…
1 answer

How to fix CDK Virtual Scrolling in Angular 9 App. [PokeDex App]

Here, first of all you can check the current status of the app without virtual scrolling: PokeDex - Webapp Image Preview Of the Website Here The scrolling is pretty smooth but as you can see searching and navigating back and forth is a bit slow as…
0 answers

Implement Virtual scrolling in angular 5

How do I implement Virtual Scroll in angular 5? I tried this Implement Virtual scrolling in angular 6 in angular 5 project but this didn't work. Is there any other way to implement virtual scroll in angular 5? lets say I have a component displaying…
0 answers

Is it possible to use angular virtual list with rows of items?

using angular 8, i have a list of thousands of cards which i want to view them effectivly while scrolling, with 4 or more cards per row (using wrap) and still use the virtual scroll feature. as far as my tries go i can have more then 1 item per…
1 answer

cdkvirtualfor not working when we have less data to iterate

When I filter the array we have less data we are not getting the vertical scroll. So *cdkVirtualFor not re-rendering the UI. It works when we have more data. If I use *ngFor always it works. Using *ngFor is the better choice for my case or still we…
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How can I use angular cdk v7 in angular 6?

I am working on a project using angular version 6 in which I have a large list of images so I want to add cdk-virtual-scrlling, but If I am updating cdk version then it shows error. So how can I use cdk-virtual-scrolling in angular 6.
0 answers

sorting does not works with Virtual scrolling custom data source

Angular 8 brings really cool feature to implement virtual scroll. They have provide example here regarding usage of it. Although, its really difficult implement with mat-table. I have been working on to implement virtual scroll on mat-table and…
1 answer

Angular CDK Virtual Scrolling remove item from list

In the Angular CDK virtual Scrolling I'm using a list and adding items to the list from a button and it works. I'm having another button to remove item from the list but the UI is not refreshed with the removed content. list:…
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Adapting existing ng-container tree into virtual tree

I have a very, very bare minimal tree, that sometimes needs to render thousands upon thousands of elements. This results in some very poor performance, so the site gets quite laggy. I instead opted to try out cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport, but I…
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Issue about virtual scroll using angular8+material table

I have been working on virtual scrolling with angular8+ material design. We have a search page and is getting thousands of search results based on search criteria. Those results are displaying in mat-table with cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport. For the…
1 answer

Error in cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport when change array of items

I have a list of items (products) inside a virtual scroll, the problem occurs when I change the items of array. For example: Initially I have 100 items in the scroll. Then I run a function "reloadItems()" that change the 100 items to 4 items. If I…
Fernando Arbelo
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