Questions tagged [android-studio-3.5.3]

13 questions
1 answer

How to avoid "warning: [cast] redundant cast to String" for data binding

Android Studio generates lots of warning like the following: warning: [cast] redundant cast to String fooActivityOfUserName.set(((java.lang.String) (callbackArg_0))); has the…
0 answers

Android Studio generated Navigation Drawer Activity - problem

Using Android Studio 3.5.3. Generated standard Navigation Drawer Activity app - no change to any of the defaults. Built and ran ok on Pixel3a. Added values-v28 styles.xml to add the following
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Android Studio Virtual Device Emulator Not Functioning (Invisible) on Dell XPS 15 Windows 10

I'm having some issue with Android Studio's Android Virtual Device (AVD) emulator. I can build and run my apps but the emulator is never properly displayed, as I can't even see any emulated device at all. I've tried different graphics drivers,…
0 answers

Android Studio 3.5.3 does not show layout preview

I'm using Android Studio 3.5.3 It has passed some time since the last time I've created a new project in Android Studio and today when I did it the Android Studio does not show anything from the layout preview. Its a blank window and says nothing to…
1 answer

Unable to build App with IdeEventQueue Error

I'm trying to rebuild an app that had successfully built with no error before... I'm using: Android Studio 3.5.3
Build #AI-191.8026.42.35.6010548, built on November 15, 2019
JRE: 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b03 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit…
1 answer

classNotFoundException while accessing the aar file's classes in Android Studio

I created an aar file from an module and added it to my project it got added successfully but whenever I am trying to run my app then every time it is getting crashed saying classNotFoundException. I tried to add dependencies in my module using…
1 answer

How to fix the Gradle Plugin Error with Android project build?

Error message : Project is using an old version of the Android Gradle plug-in. The minimum supported version is x.x.x Please update the version of the dependency ''
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Cannot create new Activity or new Project without Backward Compatibility

I am new to Android Development. I've been using the book "Head First Android Development". In it, it describes creating new projects and new activities, unchecking the "Backward Compatibility" option. However, my version of Android Studio does not…
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Application.onCreate() not called in debug build

App.onCreate() is not being called at all in debug builds, but called normally in release builds. I expect it to be called each time I press "Run" button of Android Studio. If I put logs in static{} or onCreate(){} they will not appear in log.…
1 answer

annotation Nullable in context class

It's been a few days at Android Studio 3.5.3 make a problem , the source code of Activity class and ParentClasses of this class (ContextThemeWrapper ,ContextWrapper and Context class) is been red the messages error of this problem are like: Cannot…
0 answers

Whenever I start a new project I am unable to change my activity and layout file name in android studio?

As you can see the next button is disable. So the android studio uses the default name and activity_main.xml for activity and layout respectively. So how can I change the name of the activity and layout? I am using the android…
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2 answers

compile is deprecated replace with implementation

I have just update my android studio to the last version which is 3.3.5 but am really stuck with this problem Gradle DSL method not found: 'compile()' Possible causes: whene tring to add apdf view to my project. knowing that i already have the last…
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1 answer

Flutter SDK is not found Android Studio 3.5.3

I have updated my Android Studio, I am facing issue with flutter while creating new flutter project. I have set Environment Variable path as well as checked in cmd everything seems fine, but still it is giving error about Flutter SDK not found. Can…
Aditya Vyas-Lakhan
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