Questions tagged [android-strictmode]

This mode helps a developer to identify potential bugs in an app.

From Android Developer Docs:

StrictMode is a developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident and brings them to your attention so you can fix them.

StrictMode is most commonly used to catch accidental disk or network access on the application's main thread, where UI operations are received and animations take place. Keeping disk and network operations off the main thread makes for much smoother, more responsive applications. By keeping your application's main thread responsive, you also prevent ANR dialogs from being shown to users.

128 questions
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Android Strict mode policy for notification

I am using Strict mode in one of my main activity in onCreate method StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectAll() .penaltyLog() .penaltyDeath() …
Madhukar Hebbar
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Android: Don't understand strict error message

I need help in understanding the following strict error message on my emulator which causes my app to stall (I am calling an activity) and the emulator to restart: 05-31 13:37:59.080 1298-1804/system_process E/SharedPreferencesImpl﹕ Couldn't…
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Using StrictMode in app production phase

I know that StrictMode designed mainly to be used in application development phase, but according to my app needs, it's not acceptable to get ANR while it's quite acceptable to get crash, and StrictMode provides a way to prevent ANR…
Muhammed Refaat
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2 answers

Android Dev - Strict Mode Problems

I am having an issue with StrictMode i have the following AsyncTask class pruneDiskCacheTask extends AsyncTask{ @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { pruneRecursive(DiskCache); return…
Alex Mason
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Application loading slow and how to use strict mode in android

I am facing lots of message through strict mode in logcat. May be this reason if i click next buttton on ui, then it takes long time almost 1 min. How to occure this, data loading process is fast. but why got strict mode log? i don't know. and…
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StrictMode Policy in api 8 Android

I am displaying Image in Android App from Hosted Server. So, I need to set StrictMode Policy. But as I have checked, It requires Api 9 and I want to make it supportable in Api 8 also. So how can I solve this issue ? I am already using this in…
Jeeten Parmar
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3 answers

How to run this code in a Thread or Async Task?

When I tried running this code I get an error, about the strictMode Thread policy, so I added this line. StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build(); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy); I later…
2 answers

Can't import android.os.StrictMode?

In my program, I can't import android.os.StrictMode even I change SDK version.What pronblem is it? In android.os, StrictMode can't be found. I don't know what to do.
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Strict Mode "A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released" exception with Google Map

Im getting the following exception on strict mode when starting my app. Just after my login activity is closed and right before my main activity, which contains a SupportMapFragment, is displayed. 10-29 16:11:22.605: E/StrictMode(1121): A resource…
1 answer

Android StrictMode error for long query on UI thread

I am implementing a library function that performs a query on the database and this query can sometime be long enough to cause a StrictMode warning for a long operation on the UI thread. I was wondering what would it be the right pattern to apply…
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Build version check doesn't work on Android 2.2 Froyo

I am using a simple conditional check on Build.Version.SDK_INT in the onCreate method of my application (code below) to prevent strict mode being enabled on any Android OS earlier than 2.3. Up until recently this had been working fine, but after a…
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AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk FileInputStream Violation

I've currently got ScrictMode enabled in my app to determine where I can alleviate work on the UI thread and I'm currently getting an onReadFromDisk FileInputStream Violation when I'm creating a new FileInputStream instance and then using it to set…
1 answer

Making Atom/RSS Reader Speed and Reliability

I recently did from the "Difficulty Reading with Atom Reader" question. Now, I'm figuring something about maximum compatibility for the blog app I made, from Android Froyo to Jellybean. The problem is that I got notified by errors while checking…
3 answers

cannot import android.os.strictmode

on developing an android app with webservices. which uses : I am facing problem while importing import android.os.StrictMode; (it cannot be resolved) my code is…
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Custom ListView adapter using URL image getting error 'StrictMode'

İ am using this custom adapter for showing youtube thumbnail. public class MyMedyaAdapter extends SimpleAdapter { Context context; int layout; List> data; String[] from; int[] to; String resimURL =…
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