Questions tagged [android-searchmanager]

Search Manager Class Provides access to the system search services.

Search Manager class provides access to the system search services.

In practice, you won't interact with this class directly, as search services are provided through methods in Activity and the ACTION_SEARCH Intent. If you do require direct access to the SearchManager, do not instantiate this class directly. Instead, retrieve it through context.getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE).

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154 questions
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How to create search with base adapter

How to create search option with base adapter? Here is the sample code which i have tried......pls suggest public class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter { //To create an adapter we have to extend BaseAdapter instead of Activity, or…
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android: "progressive" custom search provider

i have a custom search content provider that combines recent searches and specific results from making a network REST call. the problem is that if the network hangs, or is slow, no results come back. i'm wondering if there's a way to progressively…
Jeffrey Blattman
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Limiting number of queries to ContentProvider in SearchView

I have an autocomplete SearchView that is managed throught Search API and shows a list of locations as suggestions. The data is provided by a ContentProvider in a remote GAE application. The problem that I've is that the SearchView makes a query for…
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Using special characters with Search

I'm using SearchView (or SearchManager?) to search the database for hits. It works fine, but the problem is if you search for words with special characters (č, ž, š - all supported by the keyboard), the search returns nothing, even though the word…
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2 answers

Search for letters in a word

I'm using a SearchManager in my app to search for words in SQLite database. It works fine, but I would like to search for letters in a word. For example, if you search for cpur it would show the words that cointain those letters (computer). Is there…
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GoogleTV quick search box suggestions only showing 1 entry

I am trying to get the global quick search box in googletv to show me all my custom suggestions. When running my app on the latest googleTV emulator, the Global QSB shows me all the appropriate custom Suggestions; however running the same app on a…
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Hookup hard search key to SearchView

I have an app with a search view in the action bar and I am trying to get the hard search key to activate it in addition to touching the view but everything I have tried has resulting in launching Google Now from my app. I have tried the following.…
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Implement map search function on custom Application like in native google maps

I need to implement the search function on my custom map application like it is done in native google maps(the action bar turns into search field and you can write your query). Now I know how to use google geocoding api, and how to retrieve location…
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Problems with standard Search in Android 2.1. Running in another process?

My application use standard search mechanism (using searchable interface) and works well in all versions>2.1 In <3 I use Search Dialog and in >=3 I use SearchWidget and all works correctly. The problem is in 2.1 where I get…
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Handling submit click on the Search Widget

My Activity has a Search Widget implemented. I believe it is somehow set by default that when you enter some query (so that the query window is not empty) and click "submit" or "search" button somewhere on your device it automatically reloads the…
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2 answers

Customization of the Android SearchView component

I need a component that allows the user to enter a value and checks if it exists by connecting to a certain site on the Internet, and also shows suggestions while the user is typing. I would like to use the SearchView component for that, but found…
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Android and search function on the live server database

I have an android app and I would like to implement the search function. This function shuld access the live server and request all the data containing the searched word. The problem is that the database is pretty huge and instead of waiting to get…
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Android Search Framework, Custom Search Suggestions

I am developing an application that implements a search provider. The behaviour that I am trying to accomplish is if an item is not found in the database, I want an item to show up in the search suggestions list that says something like "select to…
2 answers

SearchWidget not calling onSearchRequested()

I'm trying to implement SearchWidget correctly, but I'm facing up with some problems. I override onSearchRequested() because I need to pass some information's from the calling Activity to the Activity that executes the query. It happens only when…
1 answer

Adding activity context to search suggestion Intent

First some background. In my edit item activity I have added search functionality to change of one of the item's data fields. (Its manufacturer and make). Since the user can select from quite a large amount of items, we have decided to use search…
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