Questions tagged [android-scrolling]

12 questions
3 answers

Circular scrolling with View Pager

We have a requirement for sycing rotating wheel with sliding images. I have used ViewPager for it but after 360 degree rotation I have to start scrolling ViewPager from X = 0. Is there any ViewPager which starts from first page after scrolled to…
2 answers

Two-way scrolling with RecyclerView

How do you display a list of item that is very large on one side (either horizontally / vertically), and allow it to be freely scrolled / dragged - like Google Sheets? I've tried using a NestedScrollView with a RecyclerView, but you can only scroll…
1 answer

Collapsing toolbar, tabLayout and ViewPager not working properly after scroll

I am trying to create a similar layout for User Profile screen in my app. Here is what I need: 1. The back, plus and image button should be in the toolbar in collapsed as well as expanded state. 2. The toolbar should be transparent in expanded…
1 answer

Customized View with Horizontal Scroll

I am trying to write a custom View with the ability of scroll horizontally. I have gone through many posts on the forums but I am still unable to get what I want. I want a custom view on which I am plotting the pitch contour of an audio recording.…
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Android RecyclerView scroll to specific word

I want to scroll to a specific string or index of text. i get search text position and i want to scroll or focus center of screen to my specific string in RecyclerView I tried to many ways but not solved now i scroll to like this LinearLayoutManager…
1 answer

Append from multiple sources to adapter list on scrolling down

I have a RecyclerView and it uses a data source to load the items in the adapter in parts as the user scrolls down i.e. kind of "pagination". I need to add items in the list from different data sources and I really can't modify the first data source…
1 answer

Android: updating an item in a ListView that survives scrolling

Given a ListActivity with a ListView and the requirement to change an item based on user input, what is the way to make the change so that the change survives scrolling? Currently the application uses a ResourceCursorAdapter populated by a Cursor…
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1 answer

How to make scrollview extend beyond screensize android?

My root element is relative layout, within which I have one LinearLayout wrapped into a scrollview. The LinearLayout has multiple children that include textViews, editText, and other Linearlayouts that have textviews and editText. Looked into…
0 answers

How detect when we were dragging ListView edges?

I don't know how to detect when we were dragging ListView edges. // edit event1 - listview on panel event2 - main panel event1.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean…
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How to enable fast scrolling to "EditText Field" in android application

I am using EditText, and it has good amount of matter to scroll and read. Now my problem is, it's scrolling slow. So, i want increase it's scrolling speed. If anyone understood my problem and have solution please respond, Thanks in advance
2 answers

ListView getting displayed, but App crashes on Scrolling and clicking

I have a ListView with a custom layout named custom_listview.xml:
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1 answer

Android ScrollView remove border

When I use ScrollView, no matter how I set it up, Scrollview will always have a green border, setting the background to Scorllview doesn’t work. Below is part of my xml file