Questions tagged [android-ndk-r7]

The Android Native Development Kit enables users to call C/C++ code from their applications running in the Dalvik Virtual Machine. Use this tag only for questions relating specifically to revision 7 of the Android Native Development Kit. Otherwise, use the [android-ndk] tag, and make sure to include that anyway.

The Android Native Development Kit enables users to call C/C++ code from their applications running in the Dalvik Virtual Machine.

Use this tag only for questions relating specifically to revision r7 of the Android Native Development Kit. Otherwise, use , and make sure to include that anyway.

Information about specific features in revision 7 is available at the NDK Revision History page.

39 questions
6 answers

JNI and Gradle in Android Studio

I'm trying to add native code to my app. I have everything in ../main/jni as it was in my Eclipse project. I have added ndk.dir=... to my I haven't done anything else yet (I'm not sure what else is actually required, so if I've…
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10 answers

Android ICS 4.0 NDK NewStringUTF is crashing down the App

I have a method in JNI C/C++ which takes jstring and returns back jstring some thing like as below, NATIVE_CALL(jstring, method)(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring filename) { // Get jstring into C string format. const char* cs =…
0 answers

Getting undefined reference error to stdout, stderr while compiling using x86 tool chain of Android NDK

I am trying to compile one of the native libraries libdigcert using Android NDK toolchain. If I use arm toolchain everything works fine and if I link this library to my executable I dont get any linker errors. If I use x86 toolchain, then I get…
2 answers

adb shell ping the host does not work

Right now, I want to check whether the android device can connect to another device via the net. I can use the browser to log into the internet. But when I use adb shell to connect to the android emulator and use the ping command to connect to the…
kaiwii ho
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1 answer

android_app->activity->internalDataPath still NULL in 2.3.8 NDK r8

To give spec on where i tested this, HTC Desire S, Android 2.3.5 and ndk-r8. I am having issues in ndk-r7b and in ndk-r8 accessing the local read write directories using android_app->activity->internalDataPath or externalDataPath as they are both…
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1 answer

How to add sound Effects on a sound file in Android

How to give audio effect for a mp3 file in android.For example echo effect mix some back ground music ect.
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4 answers

ndk-gdb: “No symbol table is loaded”

I'm still with ndk-gdb, now trying to solve the main problem that leaded me to do the other question I self answered xD ndk-gdb tells me that there is no symbols table for my current lib. This is like the file I'm debugging where not the same as the…
Adrián Pérez
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2 answers

Changes to imported makefile don't trigger rebuild in android-ndk

I have an Android JNI project I'd like to compile with ndk-build. The project contains of multiple third-party sub projects. +- jni +- +- +- +- my-proj +- a.cpp +- b.cpp +- other-proj …
Sebastian Krysmanski
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error while compiling ndk program- permission denied

I get this error while compiling an ndk program in cygwin. I don't have any idea why the arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe file is not getting…
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1 answer

No implementation found for native, java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

Okay before you flag this as a duplicate I have tried the following No implementation found for native No implementation found for native Stitch No Implementation found for native in ndk No implementation found for native Lcom/jp/algi/ Android NDK…
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2 answers

android ndk undefined reference to a method

Hi Sorry for the long post I am trying to compile some static classes namely jsmn.c,json.c and buf.c which are part of the jsmn json library I downloaded from I am compiling two STATIC_LIBRARIES…
2 answers

openSSL using Android's NDK problems

I have the following situation, I am porting a piece of an app using OpenSSL for AES encryption, I have everything compile, but the linker fails. The situation is the following: 1. I wrote a JNI wrapper that simply does : private native String…
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Reinitialize OpenGL ES 2 window on NativeActivity resume

Solved! See update below. We are porting a large C++ application to Android, and everything is running fine until it comes to pausing and resuming the application. We listen to the APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW command, and when it comes we reinitialize all…
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0 answers

Enable/Disable in USB Programmatically: Android

For Enable/Disable USB progrmatically, first I rooted device. Now I have root access. And I attempted below function IBinder service = ServiceManager.getService("mount"); IMountService mMountService = IMountService.Stub.asInterface(service); and…
1 answer

Linking error while using JNI APIs

I am developing my android application in Ecclipse ADT using NDK. I have written a native code in c. My native code is look like this : #include "com_adroidappl_androidagent_ServerThread.h" #include #include jint fd; void…
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