Questions tagged [android-keystore]

The Android system requires that all installed applications be digitally signed with a certificate whose private key is held by the application's developer. "Android keystore" may also refer to Android Keystore System, introduced in API level 18, which allows storing cryptographic keys securely within an app.

Android requires that all apps be digitally signed with a certificate before they can be installed. Android uses this certificate to identify the author of an app, and the certificate does not need to be signed by a certificate authority. Android apps often use self-signed certificates. The app developer holds the certificate's private key.

"Android keystore" may also refer to Android Keystore System, introduced in API level 18, which allows storing cryptographic keys securely within an app.

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882 questions
1 answer

How older version of android before 4.0 store data like password, accesstoken securly?

I am building an android application that needs to store secure data on android device which also support older version of android before 4.0. I know that android 4.0 and version after that support key chain but my application needs to support older…
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Old debug keystore in Android

I have a sample hello world android project in eclipse. I want to see check the debug.keystore for that. I am running the application in debug mode. I checked the build path in eclipse---> preferences--->android--->build. But when i check the…
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Have keystore password, lost key to sign Android app

I've seen a lot of posts about losing keystore passwords, but I have my keystore password but lost a private key password. Now, I can't sign using that key, which is required to update my app. Is there anything I can do?
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Signing problems with keystore and Android

So I have an Android application on the market, and now I need to update it. I've been trying to sign the new apk but having difficulties with that. I have the keystore, and have verified it contains the correct certificate using keytool -list -v…
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2 answers

Is there some way to restrict private key visibility on Android?

I am developing and application that would need to certify data created by end users. I know that I could use KeyChain API for that, but this API has what I believe would be a flaw for our application. Since KeyChain requires user access to…
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1 answer

Adding keystore to Ksoap2

I am trying to connect to a WDSL webservice using SSL using Android 2.3.4. It uses a thawte certificate which isn't trusted. I have created a keystore with intermediate and root certificates but do not know how to add the keystore to ksoap2. Does…
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ndk-build library can't be added to apk file by eclipse and signature issue after aapt a the lib module

First, I am running a ubuntu 12.04 x86 virtual machine hosted on win8. I am compiling a c/c++ library to my android app. After I use ndk-build in the directory, It seems the library and module were built successfully. And I can also see the .so…
1 answer

unable to generate a keystore from an existing certificate file

I've lost my keystore file that was used to make release build for an android app. But I've the certificate file. Now I want to generate a new keystore from this existing certificate file but I'm unable to do that because I've forgot the alias name…
1 answer

Http Client returning null after signing the APK

I am developing an android application which uses web services that has https protocol in its url. And I'm doing a GET request to that service. The strange part is when I compile my android apk with debug keystore the webservice is returning…
Sivakumar S
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1 answer

How can I create Android App with existing code?

I developed an Android app and published it on google play. Then I lost my keystore file and now I can't update my app. Therefore, I want to create new app with my existing code. How can I use my existing code to create the new application, porting…
Melih Mucuk
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2 answers

Google Maps doesn't work after signed the app

I build and sign my android app. Now I publish on google play but when I install on google play, google maps doesn't work. I read some article about this issue but I dont fix it. What can I do after signing ?
Melih Mucuk
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2 answers

Access certificates installed from SD card of Android devices

I try to access PKI secured services on Android using Java. Certificates were installed on devices through settings->location & security ->Install from SD card. Seems like on ICS, certificates are shared under /system/etc/security/cacerts while on…
1 answer

Android keystore location for wss

I have an android application that communicates with a secured webservice over https and using wss (wss4j). In a previous desktop java application all worked fine and i use a physical .jks file to initialise everything,…
Ian Harrigan
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0 answers

The certificate uses the SHA1withRSA signature algorithm which is considered a security risk. This algorithm will be disabled in a future update

During facebook authentication setup entering the command in Windows Command Prompt using keytool of openjdk-16.0.1 for Generating a Development Key Hash keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore…
1 answer

How to create Android Signing Certificate (keystore JKS file) programmatically instead of using Android Studio?

I want to create jks file (keystore) file programmatically (some script on Java/Kotlin JVM) without using Android Studio. Is it possible? I have a little code to create this file but how fill all the needed data to that key? fun createJksFile() { …
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