Questions tagged [android-icons]

Android comes with detailed guidelines and default Icon packs for applications developers to ensure readability and clarity even at small sizes. This tag covers this android aspect.

Android comes with detailed guidelines and default Icon packs for applications developers to ensure readability and clarity even at small sizes. This tag covers this android aspect.

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279 questions
1 answer

How to size custom marker icons for Android Google Maps v2?

I want to design custom icons for an Android app using Google Maps v2. I know there are a bunch of design resources which describe how one would create icons for various devices and densities. Here are some information sources: Android cheatsheet…
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5 answers

How to generate rounded square launcher icon android

I try to generate new launcher icon for my android project. I am taking png icon 512x512 and through Android Studio I am converting it New->Image Asset->(Launcher Icons Adaptive and legacy). It generates icon, but the size of radius of rounded…
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4 answers

How to change color of CompoundDrawable on Button?

I am trying to figure out how to change the color of icon which is in drawable left of button. Below is the XML code I am using :
1 answer

Why there are different oppacities for active and inactive icons in material design?

I am really wondering why there are different oppacities for active and inactive icons in here: And here: So I am confused in these two cases: 1- An inactive dark icon on a light background should have opacity 26% or 38%? 2- An inactive light icon…
Misagh Emamverdi
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What is the recommended ActionBar icon size in Material Design (Android API 21+)?

First of all, this question is related: How big should Action Bar(Toolbar) icons be in the new Android Material design? In the related question it is clear that the touch target size of the action bar icons should be 48dp. I would like to get a…
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Gray circle next to large notification icon?

Im displaying notifications in my app - but for some reason on android version Lolipop its displaying a gray circle next to the large icon like this: Does anyone have an idea why is this happening? Here is my code in which I create my…
2 answers

Action bar icon size in Android 4.2

Has the action bar icon size changed in Android 4.2 ? I've had a 120x48px HDPI icon that was rendered perfectly in Android 4.1 and below. It still is. However, on any 4.2 device, it is squelched to fit as 48x48px from what I can see. Or something…
Bogdan Zurac
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android- remove black background from launcher icon api 26

I've a big problem with launcher icon in api 26 I've png with transparent background , But it gets black on transparent parts this is the result : it's not for the theme because other apps has no background this is my manifest :
Navid Abutorab
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4 answers

You need to check the icon inside your APK because it is not valid

While trying to upload my apk im getting this error..."You need to check the icon inside your APK because it is not valid." Manifest Code
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1 answer

Android Notification Action Icon Sizes in Material Design

What should be the icon sizes in the notification action (button) for the material design? I am looking for the complete icon sizes (icon bounds/optical bounds). I came across a very similar question: What are the sizes of the icons in Android…
3 answers

What package to download for material design icons?

If I go to and I select an icon to download, it gives me the option of downloading the 18dp, 24dp, 36dp, or 48dp version. I downloaded the 24dp package and it came with the hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, and xxxhdpi…
David Velasquez
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2 answers

How do some Android Apps get larger than recommended icons?

I followed what I believed to be the Android official icon sizes: ldpi: 36x36px mdpi: 48x48px hdpi: 72x72px xhdpi: 96x96px My icon looks the same size as some other icons (the facebook one for example). But others, such as Trip Advisor and Kayak…
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4 answers

Setting a custom share icon on Actionbar ShareActionProvider without ActionBarSherlock

I have the same problem as was described here - Setting a custom share icon on Actionbar ShareActionProvider But I'am not using ActionBarSherlockI found that the Sherlock theme uses the "actionModeShareDrawable" and I can also use it like this, if I…
1 answer

How launcher accessing Icon pack?

There are lots of icon pack avails on Google play store, which are compatible with launchers, I just wonder that how launcher access & identify such icon pack so it get reflect to launchers. I succeed to code inside Icon pack which linked to…
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Android icons and correct DP size

I am going through the icon size guidelines of android and if I download their icon set on GitHub for each icon I can find the proper folder as following: drawable 18 dp 24 dp 36 dp 48 dp drawable-hdpi 18 dp 24 dp 36 dp 48 dp ... Now I cannot find…
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