Questions tagged [android-gui]

The system through which people interact with a computer. UI stands for User Interface

There's now a Stack Exchange site for UI, Interaction and User Experience design: [][2]

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115 questions
1 answer

Magnifier like feature inside popup to?

I need to create a magnifier like feature in my app. Like the "loupe" effect on the iphone ! The problem is that I need to do that inside a popup window and I don't get how to make it work ! The popup window display a grid of colors that I generate…
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Purpose of isChecked()

I was doing the Android Developer Fundamentals Course when I had the following doubt in the below code. public void onRadioButtonClicked(View view) { // Is the button now checked? boolean checked = ((RadioButton) view).isChecked(); …
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Views are truncated when trying to add them at the same row using ConstraintLayout

I'm trying to create my own multi button "custom view" that get it's attributes from an xml file. When trying to create a custom view with more than 3 button, some button are truncated (please see screenshot attached). Maybe someone encounter an…
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3 answers

Android: Renaming gui elements vs. new layout

I'm new into android and i'm dealing with the following problem. I need to create a button which groups another two buttons of similar features (sort of submenu). So let's say we have a button called "search", by clicking on it the search button…
2 answers

Unable to create/update GUI from class other then MainActivity class

i am making a image downloading android app that takes a certain number of image urls, creates GUI for required for the number of urls provided and then displays them. I succeeded in doing so. Now i am trying to separate a module of this task. In…
4 answers

How to place two views inside a layout in the exact same position and size ratio?

I want to place those two parts inside a layout to form a loading bar. and The orange indicator needs to be inside the wood board, But I can't find a way to connect them in a proper way... The final results should look like this . XML…
3 answers

Is SharedPreferences a safe way of sharing settings between a service and the UI?

Is SharedPreferences a safe way of sharing settings between a service and the UI? I am calling commit() in a service and when I read the prefs in the UI 300ms later, the data is not there. This is on API 27. I already use the Messenger for…
Vadim Peretokin
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1 answer

How to do GUI stuff in background? (Android)

I tried to do gui stuff with asynctask, but it not works on every device. Why? Here is my code: public class DownloadWebPageTask extends AsyncTask { long difference; ReadEvent readevent; @Override protected…
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Android RelativeLayout fix imagebutton width

I have an imagebutton and I'd like to reduce the image size to match the control next to it. I've already achieved this, but the imagebutton is now wider than the image. How can I fix this? See attached image.
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How to resolve a scale table with different screen sizes?

I want to set the table with small devices, please see this image to know my problem. If you know the code to freeze the size of each row or modify the XML file, please tell me. My XML:
1 answer

Best practices and conventions in Android XML and .java files

I am java programmer and I try to follow coding conventions and best practices. But these days I am learning Android,but some times its very confusing giving name to component/s in XMl and using them into java files.Because we also need to hold XMl…
Mehraj Malik
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1 answer

Android Gui best solution for custom tabs

I am trying to make some layout in android. I have tried to use the Sherlock library for custom tabs view, but there are some issue like: It does not allow me to add big logo above the action bar. I am not able to increase the tabs height. Can any…
1 answer

Options for endlessly repeating function GUI calls while remaining responsive

I've got an animation to perform which consists of some arrow heads aligned horizontally where the alpha values of the arrows will change to achieve an animation effect (i.e. first arrow has alpha 1.0, then the second will get a value 1.0 etc.). So…
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android app dev screen size support

I've read Android Multiple Screen Support and watch youtube tutorials regarding supporting different sizes of screen resolutions for android app. What they commonly do is to create multiple drawable-xxxxx folders and layout-xxxxx folders and…
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1 answer

How to upscale and render remote(RGB565) frame buffer on Android native?

I have ported remote frame buffer receive C code on Android 4.2.2 which receives frame buffer from host in RGB565 format. Able to render the received framebuffer following the standard android example…