Questions tagged [android-gui]

The system through which people interact with a computer. UI stands for User Interface

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115 questions
1 answer

How to fit WebView height size with screen height?

If my WebView is so large, I have no problem and WebView height fit the screen height even when the content is so bigger I can scroll the content of WebView. But if the content of WebView is little, the WebView height doesn't fit the screen. This is…
Milad Khajavi
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0 answers

Surface View Appears Black while the associated audio is playing in the background(android)

I am basically running a set of video tracks using a custom media player. Every thing works fine until I press home button or go to any other screen, then on after returning to the video play screen I can only hear the audio track as the videos play…
4 answers

What is the proper way to update activity based on Network responses?

I am implementing an application which is kind of VOIP application. So my application is kind of network application. Now I want to implement two part in my application, one is GUI part and one is network part. My GUI part will just contain…
Darshan Prajapati
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2 answers

What devices have LDPI resolution with Android 2.2/2.3 version?

What devices have LDPI(Low resolution) with Android 2.2\2.3 version?
Itay Kahana
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1 answer

AlertDialog title with component?

Is it possible for the title in the AlertDialog to be a custom View? I would like to add an edit Button on the right side of the title bar.
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1 answer

Evenly positioned Cardviews in Gridlayout

Trying to position two cardview in a gridlayout with 2 columns and one row. But getting only the image in the screen. I did the following way. Two cardView in a gridlayout with 1 row 2 rows. I would like they appear evenly positioned in the…
dorj bayar
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1 answer

Scrolling text display in Android

Android newbie here. I know I can use TextView for scrolling text display but my question is a little different. I want to show step by step details of moves in a game in a box on a View. It should be something similar to the scrolling text you see…
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4 answers

Increasing size of clickable area of RadioButton

I have a RadioGroup with 2 RadioButton in Android (Android 5.1) as shown below. There are two problems. First, the clickable area (depicted in blue in the image at the bottom) is not centered around the button (the circle). Second, I would like to…
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2 answers

ViewPager gallery image layout issue

I am facing issue with below android page layout where my view pager image is not taking around 60% area image looks very small in view pager gallery. Looks like scrollview with viewpager has some issue but not able make out how this can be fixed. I…
4 answers

How can I delete my list row by clicking on button in each row of the LISTVIEW

I have a list view with custom array adapter. I want to get delete the item when delete button clicked.But I am not able to fix it out. Even my app getting die when I click on delete button. I am not getting any idea. My codes are as…
1 answer

how can I set the Title bar Size and title Size dynamically in android

I am trying to set my alert dialog box Title size and title bar size for which I am not using any text box or theme to display my title name .I am using the following code to set my title name, title background and font…
Rajat kumar
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0 answers

how to add Google Calendar in android

I am trying to add Google calendar which look like as below attached diagram. Is there any way to add this calendar in my android ? I am new to android Help me to solve this.
0 answers

Android styles with CSS-like selection?

As an example, the view of my application consists of a LinearLayout which holds some TextViews and a Button. The TextViews all have the same style, e.g. a blue textColor, just like this:
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0 answers

GUI buttons are not visible on kindle but visible on Android Devices

i m trying to port my apk from android to kindle fire but i m facing the problem in GUI the kindle device is not showing the GUI buttons which i have created using GUI skin and C# coding lang. where the same apk when i used in my android device…
Mayur Rathod
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2 answers

Stop GUI squishing up when keyboard appears?

I just want my GUI elements to stay where they are. Instead, whenever the keyboard comes up, they push half the labels and buttons up. I'm using relative layout if it helps. I've tried adding things like: …
Chris G
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