Questions tagged [android-facebook]

The Facebook SDK for integrating an Android app with Facebook. Questions should involve the usage and development of the Android Facebook SDK, not merely about using Facebook.

The Facebook SDK for integrating an Android app with Facebook.

617 questions
7 answers

How can I access a BuildConfig value in my AndroidManifest.xml file?

Is it possible to access a BuildConfig value from AndroidManifest.xml? In my build.gradle file, I have: defaultConfig { applicationId "com.compagny.product" minSdkVersion 16 targetSdkVersion 21 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" …
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13 answers

customize Android Facebook Login button

I want to customize the look of the Facebook login button which we get along with the Facebook sdk for android (facebook-android-sdk-3.0.1). I want a simple android button which has title "Login via Facebook". I could not find any documentation…
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8 answers

Facebook Sdk Has Not Been Initialized FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize()

Hey I know this was asked before, but none of the solutions seem to help. I'm using first time Facebook SDK in my application. What I've tried: I had tried most of the things found on Internet but did not get anything regarding this. Here is my…
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1 answer

Facebook 3.0 Android second login attempt returns "Session state closed"

I am trying to integrate Facebook into my Android app. Using the Facebook Login Button, I tried to login in. When I first install the app, it works fine and login successfully. When I logged out using that button, and then try to login again, it…
3 answers

How to opt out from Facebook SDK event logging?

I'm using Facebook App Events tracking for Android, but I have no idea how to disable tracking when a user wants to opt out! Does anyone know how to do that? The documentation says: We recommend that you use our SDK tools to offer the opt-out. But…
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2 answers

Share on facebook page throwing an error

When I'm sharing on Facebook page, getting following error : (#100) Only owners of the URL have the ability to specify the picture, name, thumbnail or description params. It was working fine 5-10 days ago. When searched I found following on…
6 answers

Styling FacebookActivity to avoid terrible progress bar

I just implemented logging in through Facebook using their SDK in conjunction with ParseFacebookUtilsV4. In my manifest I had to declare a FacebookActivity that gets launched when I try to sign in, and that works great.
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5 answers

Get Read and Publish Permissions in one request

Before you all say it's not possible, open up the Spotify app and hit the signin with Facebook button. I'm wondering how they did it, and how I can get "publish_stream" and basic permissions/email in one request. Also, is it possible for me to…
8 answers

Android Facebook SDK: Key hash does not match any stored key hashes when uploading google play

My app uses facebook api for user login. On developing it works fine, but when I uploaded it to google play it stops working. This is the error log: 12-10 20:20:02.488: W/fb4a(:):BlueServiceQueue(17284): Exception during service 12-10…
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6 answers

Android: Facebook get "User Access Token", on successful login

I have been doing some login project via Facebook latest SDK i.e. 3.0. I'm getting a hard time in getting user access token. I have searched on the internet and all, maximum results were using the old SDK. Here is some bits of code which I have…
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4 answers

API calls from the server require an appsecret_proof argument

I can't make API requests with the Android Facebook SDK, or even get the user from the login callback - it always returns null. Particularly, with the newMeRequest, I get the following error message: { "error": { "message": "API calls from the…
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3 answers

Session.isOpened() == true but Session.getAccessToken() == ""

In my app, I'm trying to authenticate (login) by passing Facebook session information (token and expiration date) to my server. My login sequence to the app server is as follows: Get active facebook session. If the session is valid, get token and…
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6 answers

Facebook login in my android app is working fine in release apk, but not working properly after publishing the same apk on play store

In my android application, I used facebook login. It is first time ever I used it. The login functionality is working fine in release apk file. Also, I have generated key hash by using keytool, openssl:- keytool -exportcert -alias "MyAppAlias"…
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2 answers

Android facebook sdk internal utility java.lang.AssertionError

I have been using version 4.27.0 of facebook sdk for android. I have been getting a crash only for android 8+ devices. The stack trace is as follows: Fatal Exception: java.lang.AssertionError: No NameTypeIndex match for SHORT_DAYLIGHT at…
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