Questions tagged [amazon-swf]

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) is a workflow service for building scalable, resilient applications. Whether automating business processes for finance or insurance applications, building sophisticated data analytics applications, or managing cloud infrastructure services, Amazon SWF reliably coordinates all of the processing steps within an application.

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) is a web service that makes it easy to coordinate work across distributed application components. Amazon SWF enables applications for a range of use cases, including media processing, web application back-ends, business process workflows, and analytics pipelines, to be designed as a coordination of tasks. Tasks represent invocations of various processing steps in an application which can be performed by executable code, web service calls, human actions, and scripts.

The coordination of tasks involves managing execution dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the application. With Amazon SWF, developers get full control over implementing processing steps and coordinating the tasks that drive them, without worrying about underlying complexities such as tracking their progress and keeping their state. Amazon SWF also provides the AWS Flow Framework to help developers use asynchronous programming in the development of their applications. By using Amazon SWF, developers benefit from ease of programming and have the ability to improve their applications’ resource usage, latencies, and throughputs.

257 questions
13 answers

How to convert Linux cron jobs to "the Amazon way"?

For better or worse, we have migrated our whole LAMP web application from dedicated machines to the cloud (Amazon EC2 machines). It's going great so far but the way we do crons is sub-optimal. I have a Amazon-specific question about how to best…
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Amazon EC2 On-Demand Workers for Short Tasks

I am looking to build a web application which needs to run resource-intensive MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) calculations on-demand in R to generate some probability graphs for the user. Constraints: Obviously I don't want to run the…
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How to consume Amazon SWF

Amazon SWF was launched today. How best to consume it with Java / PHP / etc. ? The current SDK support doesn't appear to include it. I know it's new, but does anyone have any good resources on how to consume it, or what changes I'd need to…
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AWS - want to upload multiple files to S3 and only when all are uploaded trigger a lambda function

I am seeking advice on what's the best way to design this - Use Case I want to put multiple files into S3. Once all files are successfully saved, I want to trigger a lambda function to do some other work. Naive Approach The way I am approaching this…
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4 answers

Using Amazon SWF To communicate between servers

Use Amazon SWF to communicate messages between servers? On server A I want to run a script A When that is finished I want to send a message to server B to run a script B If it completes successfully I want it to clear the job from the workflow…
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3 answers

How do I register a microservice (or its methods) to Task in Netflix Conductor?

I was looking for a more sophisticated workflow than Saga from AxonFramework -- which we are currently using -- and I found one in Netflix Conductor. Sadly, I have searched the Internet for a decent example but to no avail. My question is, in…
2 answers

boto3 and SWF example needed

Amazon are promoting boto3 for future development but do not provide enough documentation for the new boto3. Does anybody have any example code of using SWF with boto3 that they would care to share?
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3 answers

Open Source Equivalent of AWS Flow Framework

There many workflow system out there but I was wondering which one of the open source workflow management system is the closest to the AWS Flow Framework (with Amazon SWF like capability build in)?
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Amazon AWS Simple Workflow Service SWF PHP Samples

I was wondering if there are any SWF workflow PHP sample code available for the AWS PHPSDK 2+ ?
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Amazon SWF: at least one worker has to be running, why?

I've just started out using the AWS Ruby SDK to manage as simple workflow. One behavior I noticed right away is that at least one relevant worker and one relevant decider must be running prior to submitting a new workflow execution. If I submit a…
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Triggering a SWF Workflow based on SQS messages

Preamble: I'm trying to put together a proposal for what I assume to be a very common use-case, and I'd like to use Amazon's SWF and SQS to accomplish my goals. There may be other services that will better match what I'm trying to do, so if you have…
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Starting SWF Background Workers

I have been trying to find out the best way to run background jobs using PHP on AWS Elastic beanstalk, and after many hours searching on Google and SO, I believe that one good solution is using SWF and activity workers. I found this example buried…
2 answers

In Amazon SWF, can I abuse a Decision task to actually perform the work

I need Amazon SWF to distribute some work, make sure it's done asynchronously, make sure it's store in a reliable way and that it's automatically restarted. However, the workflow logic I need is extremely simple: it's just to get a single task…
Wilfred Springer
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1 answer

Amazon SWF for long running business workflows

I'm evaluating Amazon SWF as an option to build a distributed workflow system. The main language will be Java, so the Flow framework is an obvious choice. There's just one thing that keeps puzzling me and I would get some other opinions before I can…
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4 answers

AWS SWF Flow Framework - Eclipse AspectJ Load-Time Weaving

Has anyone managed to get the AWS SDK samples for Simple Workflow and the Flow Framework to work properly? I've followed the Eclipse set-up instructions ( to the letter, but…
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