Questions tagged [alteryx]

Alteryx provides an easy-to-use analytics platform for enterprise companies making critical decisions that drive their business strategy and growth.

From Why Alteryx, Alteryx provides an easy-to-use analytics platform for enterprise companies to do self-service data analytics.


198 questions
3 answers

Facebook Ads Insights API: (#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call

I am trying to pull Facebook Ads metrics through the Facebook Marketing API. The flow is basically that I wish to pull all the account ids of my company, and then loop over them, retrieving the insights for them individually. However I have an…
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Open Alteryx .yxdb file in Python?

Is there a way to import .yxdb (Alteryx database files) into Pandas/Python, without using Alteryx as a go-between?
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5 answers

Is Alteryx an ETL tool? How it differs from SSIS?

My client want me to implement ETL process using Alteryx as they have a license of it. I am confused whether the Alteryx is an ETL tool or not. I believe that Alteryx is commonly used to prepare data for Tableau data visualization tool. Please…
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Regular expression using positive lookbehind not working in Alteryx

I am trying to match a string the 2nd word after "Vores ref.:" using positive lookbehind. It works in online testers like, but my tool Alteryx dont allow quantifiers like + in a lookbehind. "ABC This is an example Vores ref.:…
4 answers

Merge two CSV and collate data

I have two CSV files, the first like…
A New Guy
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1 answer

Alteryx - How to Process Sharepoint input which has Drop down list values

I would like to read Sharepoint data which contains attributes for a dropdown list. I am connecting to Sharepoint using the Alteryx's Sharepoint list connector tool. Alteryx is only returning the data that is already selected from the dropdown. It…
0 answers

Ignore Specific Types of Changes with Github

I am relatively new to GitHub and I am primarily using it for Python development, but also a little of Alteryx for VC purposes. Alteryx loves creating/changing temp files, so everytime I save the workflow, I get dozens of changes that aren't…
1 answer

Do Temporary Stored Procedures Use Global Temporary Tables?

I'm trying to troubleshoot an error that I'm getting when I try to insert/append into an Azure SQL database. The error I'm getting: Error: Write Data In-DB (353): Error running PreSQL on "NoTable": Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: An…
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1 answer

Using SQL, can I iterate through a table on a composite key to find specific data and compute new values?

If I have a data set with a composite key of an order number and a timestamp, can I iterate through the timestamps to search for data values at the specific time? For example, I would want to iterate through the specific order number until I find…
1 answer

Alteryx REGEX upper first letter of every sentence and lower case for the rest

I'm trying to transform strings in Alteryx using one regex tool as follows Original: lorem ipsum. DOLOR SIT AMET. Looking for: Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet. Now, I did manage to match this pattern with the following REGEX (^\w)|\.\s(\w) But I'm…
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1 answer

Snowflake is not recognizing a column in a table created in Alteryx

I have an Alteryx workflow which selects everything from a snowflake table, adds a RecordId column to the table, then uploads the result back to snowflake with a new name. The problem is: Snowflake does not recognize the RecordID column. If i use a…
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1 answer

How can I produce this as a new column in an alteryx table?

Each row needs to be paired up with the one before it therefore I need a new column that looks like the following. flag 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 . . . and so on
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C to Go: Is this long execution time caused by CGO overhead?

I am trying to write an SDK that lets me build custom Alteryx tools in Go. Alteryx provides a C API for these custom tools. I have been able to use cgo to connect Golang code to the Alteryx engine. However, when I compare with a similar Python…
Tom Larsen
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Alteryx for Statisticians- to use or not to use?

Is anyone a statistician and using alteryx? I’m wondering if anyone has experience with this or anything to say regarding statisticians using alteryx versus SAS or R. Also, If so, is there a way to conduct statistical tests writhing alteryx.
Chris B
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3 answers

Method/tool for determining the distance between locations

I work for a healthcare company and have information on patient's location (address, city, state, zip). I am trying to determine what percentage of patients live closest to 5 specific locations. The answer I'm looking for would be something like…
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