Questions tagged [algolia]

For programming-related questions about Algolia, the hosted search API. For non-programming related questions or general discussion, please post your question on instead. You can expect a prompt, friendly reply from our team or community.

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1362 questions
4 answers

Is there a way to limit Firebase's Blaze plan?

I'm currently working in a social network app and I need to do a search feature. Firestore does not support these kind of queries, so I need to use an external service like Algolia. The problem is that the free plan does not support connecting to…
Franco Muñiz
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3 answers

Algolia Search api returns maximum 1000 records while my total records are around 50000

My index in Algolia contains around 50k records. While using javascript api for retrieving records it only returns maximum 1000 records, i am using search() function. Any suggestions?
Muzammil Naseer
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2 answers

"Not enough rights to add an object" error while implementing Algolia

I'm trying to index contacts in Algolia. Here is my code: StreamReader re = File.OpenText("contacts.json"); JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(re);` JArray batch = JArray.Load(reader); // Add objects Index index =…
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1 answer

JavaScript - Converting a Date() into seconds

I'm using the Hacker News API made at Algolia here: I'm a bit confused as it says to search for posts since a certain time it says to run the following query: Comments since timestamp X (in…
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2 answers

How do I set Algolia to not return any results if the query is blank?

I'm using the instantsearch.js library provided by Algolia. The behaviour I want is: if the visitor hasn't entered anything in the search box then no results are returned. However, the Algolia documentation states that: If no query parameter is…
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3 answers

Laravel 5.3 - Multiple pagination on a single page not working

I am displaying paginated results that I get from Algolia. I have two queries in my controller that I paginate. This is how I send the data from the controller to the view: public function index(Request $request) { if(!$request->q &&…
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1 answer

Availability tracking with Algolia

I am working on an Airbnb-like website and I am in the process of rewriting our in-house, SQL-based search system with Algolia. It's been a really pleasant journey so far, as I have managed to remove a lot of legacy code and outsource it, with…
Alessandro Desantis
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2 answers

Algolia facet filter by empty/null value

Is there a way to filter hits by a property's value that is either null or an empty string? i.e., show me all objects that do not have an author facetFilters=author:null facetFilters=author:'' Or include it in a list of OR values? i.e., show me all…
George Hess
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2 answers

Laravel Multiple Model Events

I'm trying to sync my database with an external service. I'm using Algolia search in a couple of places across a web application. It's indexed with a couple of models however I need it to re-index in the event that any changes are made to the…
Luke Vincent
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1 answer

Algolia PHP API not returning all records

I am using Algolia search services in PHP, my API call is not returning all records. Any solution? maximum records returned are 1000, but total number of records are much more than 1000.
Qaisar Malik
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1 answer

Algolia browse function returning max 1000 records using Javascript

I am using algolia javascript api for retrieving all records in my index using browse function, but still it is returning 1000 records. Here is my code: function load_location_list(){ var client = algoliasearch('ID', 'KEY'); var index_name =…
Muzammil Naseer
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1 answer

How to search by duration in Algolia

Let's say I am building a hotel booking platform, and every Room record has availability calendar. A common search criteria is to search by duration. Where user inputs start date and end date, and database fetches rooms that are not occupied from…
Chris Yeung
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0 answers

Integrating an Algolia InstantSearch Vue Component into a Vuetify Data-table

I am building a Vue JS Application, with a Vuetify data-table, and an Algolia InstantSearch Vue Component into it. However currently the data-table, and the InstantSearch index are using different data sources. How should I integrate the search…
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2 answers

Google or Amazon-like autocomplete keywords suggestion in Algolia

How do I achieve a keyword based autocomplete suggestions in Algolia similar to something like Amazon or Google? I attempted building the autocomplete based on multiple attributes of an Algolia document, however its purpose does not really help me…
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2 answers

Laravel Scout Search with FacetFilters?

As you know, using where() statement after the search method uses numericFilter. I am trying to filter my search results with string filtering. How can I use Facet Filter on search statement?
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