Questions tagged [alassetslibrary]

A cocoa-touch framework. An instance of ALAssetsLibrary represents the videos and photos that are under the control of the Photos application.

A cocoa-touch framework. An instance of ALAssetsLibrary represents the videos and photos that are under the control of the Photos application. The library includes those that are in the saved photos album, those coming from iTunes and those that were directly imported into the device. You use it to retrieve the list of all asset groups and to save images and videos into the Saved Photos album.

619 questions
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Error encountered during writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:metadata

I encountered a strange behavior which I can't seem to be able to figure out. I am trying to write my own metadata with the image using the following: [assetslibrary writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:imageA metadata:metadataAsMutable…
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Asset instance from a URL to get location

I am trying to get location co-ordinates of a saved photo. I have the URL by: NSURL *photoUrl = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL]; and now I am trying to use "valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyLocation" which works on an…
2 answers

Video File thumbnail timestamp missing in ALAsset

hi i am getting all photos and videos thumbnails from ALAsset code works fine i am getting photos and video thumbnail.but in video thumbnail missing Video icon and its time stamp. [assetImageView setImage:[UIImage…
Bad Boy
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Save video to custom album in camera roll

I am able to save an image into a custom album in the iPhone camera roll. For example, the album name could be "Fun", and all of the images I take will go into that folder. I came across a helper class here that works very well to accomplish what I…
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how to determine whether the image is made to the device or downloaded from the outside iOS?

Actually my question in title, how to determine is image made on device or it downloaded from outside. I use ALAssetsLibrary and standard UIImagePickerController, to load images but they can return an image which user saved from internet or get…
1 answer

iOS 5 - ALAssets library - converting a video's URL from assets to a NSDATA file

So I have an app that lets a user record a video or pick a video from their photo library, then upload the video to the server. After recording the video, I get the asset's URL. I try to set the NSData to the assetURL with the following…
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mutilThread ios

My application's function is to transfer the pics between two iDevices. The user can choose lots of pic to send. But since the send process need time, so right now I just put the pics that have not yet been sent into an array when the user picks…
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ARC not freeing original asset after CGCreateWithImageInRect?

High level summary: I would like to replace the rather low resolution ALAsset Group images [group posterImage] with a higher quality version so that they can be shown larger on the screen. Normally I would load them as needed by the interface, but…
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Possible ways to speed up reading from ALAssetsLibrary and populating a UITableView

Right now, I am using the ALAssetsLibrary to gather the photos from ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos and ALAssetsGroupLibrary. Upon reading all the assets into an array, I populate my UITableView ([myTable reloadData]) to show the photos. I find that if…
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Draw photo in pdf using Objective-C

I'm having a very hard time figuring this one out and would really appreciate some help. Basically, I'm trying to draw a photo that's stored in the Asset Library in a pdf document being generated when a user presses a button. I can draw a .png image…
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Refresh values when application enters foreground

My application is using 'ALAssetsGroup' to keep track of the users albums and i display these albums in my application the user can click on the albums and see the images as well. Now the problem arises when the user downloads images through safari…
Aatish Molasi
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ALAuth check isn't working

I am trying to check if a user has allowed my app permission to access Photos (in Objective-C only) but I get the following errors: Error 1: initializer element is not compile-time constant Error 2: Excepted identifier or '(' Here's the…
PHP Web Dev 101
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How to calculate height and width of different objects using camera only in iOS?

I want to calculate Height and width of different objects using camera. is there any way to do it in objective c or in swift?
Umair Suraj
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When Scroll UITableView it overlap the name iOS

When i scroll the tableview gives this type of overlapping I write the below code in CellForRow AtIndexPath method,I create tableview programatically... -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath…
2 answers

Save Video into Custom Album iOS

How to save video with my custom album . I found one link but it don't work Custom file manager It gives the url value is null. [VideoAlbumManager addVideoWithAssetURL:outputFileUrl toAlbumWithName:@"Video Maker"];//outputfileurl is my video url…
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