Questions tagged [alassetlibrary]

Class which provides access to the videos and photos in iOS device media library.

30 questions
1 answer

How to get all photos(>200) from device and send to server for Backup

I need some help to get all photos from local storage and send those to server for Backup purpose. I am able to get those by using AssetsLibrary framework, but app got crash due to RAM memory usage. Is there any way to upload all my images to server…
0 answers

ios app crashes for some users when using ALAssetsLibrary to retrieve images in a UICollectionView

I have an ios app, I have accessing images from the gallery using ALAssetLibrary to populate UICollectionView. It is working fine for test users in India(My home country) but it is not working on the devices of our client in USA. It crashes when…
2 answers

Get All Images from cameraroll asynchrously

I want to get all images from cameraroll asynchrously Now I am using that code but my application got hanged untill all the images retrieved , I noticed in instigram or other application it doen't take time to load picture from…
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Adding multiple UIImages for Paging Enabled UIScrollView from ALAssetLibrary

i am having a problem with showing images after fetching from the ALAssetLibrary.My Problem is if there is one image then its coming fine but if there are multiple images then the last image is only appearing but not the prior images.I fount that…
Ajay Babu
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1 answer

how to show ios photo library gif on uiimageview

i have implemented image picker controller delegate: - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info { NSString *mediaType = [info valueForKey:UIImagePickerControllerMediaType]; if…
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Convert Ios Photo Album path url same like as Document directory File-path

As per my requirement, want to access iOS device photos app file url (not file as data) for my GCDWebUploader. I want assets library url for my web server. NSString* documentsPath =[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,…
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1 answer

how to pass array to NSNotification in swift

i have the following code which print the url of updated image override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "assetChange:", name: ALAssetsLibraryChangedNotification, object: nil)…
Rizwan Shaikh
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1 answer

enumerateAssetsUsingBlock crash with SQLite error code 14

SQLite error code 14 is SQLITE_CANTOPEN. The crash happens only in iOS8.1 of our app. The process is like below. Main->Album Select View(Select Camera Roll)->Photo Select View->Back to Main-> Album Select View (Select Camera Roll)->Photo Select…
Steven Jiang
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1 answer

Bug in iOS 8.02? Breaks ALAssetsLibrary enumeration, any workaround?

I think AssetLibrary's group(album) enumeration api doesn't work anymore on ios 8.02, enumerateGroupsWithTypes:usingBlock: doesn't return the Recently Added group when enumerating all groups and returns empty when calling the Library…
Eytan Levit
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1 answer

I am missing a step when writing code to retrieve IOS assetLibrary, but what am I missing?

Here is that part of my code: //Filter photos photoArray = [self getContentFrom:group withAssetFilter:[ALAssetsFilter allPhotos]]; //Enumerate through the group to get access to the photos. [contentDictionary setObject:photoArray…
Andrew Savage
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1 answer

Displaying image from asset library

I'm trying to take an image selected with the imagePickerControl and using the URL provided, open it and display it on a imageview. If I use UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage to set my image, it works fine, but I don't want to store the image in…
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1 answer

iOS7 ALAsset Thumbnail Incorrect Orientation

I'm trying to load images (taken earlier from the UIImagePickerController and saved in the Assets Library) from the ALAssetsLibrary in iOS7 in Swift using the code below: assetsLibrary.assetForURL(NSURL(string: image.diskPath), resultBlock: { …
Salman Hasrat Khan
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0 answers

how to store photos and videos in Core Data?

I need to add video from default photos and images to my app and that videos must be stored in core data. One more thing i want to know where the datas are really storing in core data and how can i see the saved datas? If possible then give me the…
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1 answer

ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init]; - ERROR

If I try to run this, I get the error: "Initializer element is not a compile-time constant." Can anybody explain to a newly like me why this is happening?
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0 answers

Fetch path of the photo saved in ios photo library

I already know how to access photo library with uiimageviewcontroller, select the photo, convert it into data and save it to documents directory. However this does not give me the path of the photo where it is stored in ios photo library. Kindly…