Questions tagged [alasset]

An ALAsset object represents a photo or a video managed by the Photo application.

215 questions
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App crashes with 'NSRangeException' when library is empty

I am using this code to get the latest photo from the cameraRoll: - (void) getTheLatestPhoto{ ALAssetsLibrary *cameraRoll = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init]; [cameraRoll enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos…
2 answers

ALAsset thumbnail without inward black translucent border

I have find that for most photos in the gallery, [ALAsset thumbnail] will return the thumbnail with an inward black translucent border. My question is, how can I obtain the thumbnail without this border?
Chao Zhang
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Saving images as ALAssets without duplicates

I'd like to download images with the dropbox api and save them in a custom album ("DropBox") in my ALAssetLibrary. However I don't want to save duplicates. So what is the best way to check if the image is already present in the album. Is there some…
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list all the videos (from the photo library and the video app) into the uitableviewcell

I want to list all the videos. Not just the videos in photo library, but also in the video app, including the movies, tv shows, music videos, etc into my app. When I used ALAsset like this: ALAsset *asset = [videoLibrary…
1 answer

ALAsset GPS Metadata does not match the exif GPS data

I am updating my app to allow photo uploads to included GPS metadata when using UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum. The GPS data's accuracy is very important. I am running into an issue where the location data derived using ALAsset…
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Memory problems while reading iphone camera roll with AlAssetsLibrary

I'm trying to get last picture from iphone camera roll. I use the following code: UIImage* __block image = [[UIImage alloc] init]; ALAssetsLibrary* library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init]; [library enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos…
John Rambo
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ALAsset "real" filename

I have transfered an MP4 from iTunes to my iPad. If I open the Videos app I can see it listed - there's the thumbnail and the filename below (my_file.mp4). However the actual filename of the asset is changed in iOS to some unique value -…
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Leaked Objects: ALasset and ALAssetPrivate

I am using Profile to find any memory leaks. I found 2 interesting leaks, which i can't understand: Leaked Object | Responsible Library | Responsible Frame ALAsset AssetsLibrary [ALAssetsGroup…
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How can I avoid saving to camera roll an image picked from camera roll ? [iOS]

I can easily save to camera roll images taken with camera. But I don't want to save the image if this is chosen from the camera roll, because it will create a duplicate. How can I do the following and selectively saving to camera roll? EDIT 1: As…
1 answer

ALAssetLibrary for audio

I am trying to load all the files(audio, video and images) in my application using ALAssetLibrary by this piece of code: ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init]; [library enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupAll…
1 answer

Best way to assign a property to an ALAsset?

What would be the best way to assign a property to an existing class? I have an existing array of ALAssets, and would like to assing a boolean as property to each asset. I could subclass, but then I have to copy each ALAsset into a new one (?) I…
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ALAsset thumbnail at specific timestamp

I'm working working on an iPhone application for uploading video files to a specific platform, and one feature I would really love is to be able to present, say, ten different thumbnails for the same video for the user to pick from. The problem is,…
Nick Bruun
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How to prevent ALAssetsLibrary enumerateGroupWithTypes:usingBlock:failureBlock from dismissing modal?

The first time an app is run on the iPad when accessing ALAssetsLibrary you get the standard alert "'Appname' Would Like to Use Your Current Location. This allows access to location information in photos and videos." However, this alert is…
1 answer

Are "PixelHeight" and "PixelWidth" always present on ALAssetRepresentation metadata?

I have noticed that, for images, the dictionary ALAssetRepresentation.metadata contains a couple of keys named "PixelHeight" and "PixelWidth". My question is: is there a guarantee that these keys will be present for all the images? As far as I can…
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ALAsset Does every asset belong to an Event?

I am doing a project that involves ALassets. I know that from iphoto every picture in the phone belongs to an event. Events seem to be like folders. What is not clear to me is, if you synch your phone to a PC and not a mac, does every asset still…
Leonardo Amigoni
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