Questions tagged []

Use this tag when using the port of Akka to Microsoft .Net and specifically using clusters.


Akka .Net

76 questions
2 answers

Akka.NET cluster node graceful shutdown

Background I have a Akka.NET cluster containing a Lighthouse seed node and two other nodes running actor systems. When I attempt to do a graceful shutdown on one of my cluster nodes I want to see that at least one of the other nodes receives a…
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Akka .NET Connection Pool Timeout Issues

We are creating a new system using Akka.NET and have a basic cluster setup with sharding and persistence. We've used the official documentation as well as some Petabridge blog posts to get sharding working correctly. However, we've hit a problem…
1 answer

Port exhaustion issue with Akka.Cluster

We created an Akka Cluster infrastructure for Sms, Email and Push notifications. 3 different kind of nodes are exist in the system, which are client, sender and lighthouse. Client role is being used by Web application and API application(Web and API…
Deniz İrgin
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1 answer

Is there a way to get all instantiated actors currently available on a given node in Akka.NET

I have the following code in my application which creates an instance of an Akka.NET actor in my cluster as such: _actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("mycluster"); _actoraActor = this._actorSystem.ActorOf(); Note that I deliberately omit the…
Maxim Gershkovich
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In Akka.NET, (using Akka.Cluster) how to configure multiple seed nodes (Lighthouse) to know about each other?

If I want to have two Lighthouse seed nodes running on different PCs, where each should know about the other, how should I configure them? Although I have found mention of using multiple Lighthouse instances and seen non-seed node configurations…
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Akka.NET with persistence dropping messages when CPU in under high pressure?

I make some performance testing of my PoC. What I saw is my actor is not receiving all messages that are sent to him and the performance is very low. I sent around 150k messages to my app, and it causes a peak on my processor to reach 100%…
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1 answer

Handling Redundancy and Failover in Akka.Net

I've implemented an Akka.Net actor system in a service that accepts remote requests and does processing and sends back responses. Some of the actors within the system have state that gets persisted to a database. When the actor system starts up,…
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0 answers cluster broadcast only received by one node

I learned from the WebCrawler and created my own cluster test. I have a Processor node(Console App) and an API node(SignalR). Here are the configurations. Processor node: akka { actor{ provider =…
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What are the changes in Akka.NET Cluster 1.0.8 and 1.1.1

I have an AKKA.NET Cluster which works while using AKKA.NET Cluster 1.0.8 Version and its relevant dependencies. The same Cluster while using Version 1.1.1 does not work. The Cluster is formed locally, but remote machines are not able to discover…
Yashwanth Rao
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1 answer round robin group router - only routing to one routee

A question about cluster routers (strategy = round-robin-group). I can't get it to round robin between my routees in a clustered setup. My setup is as follows: Node A, starting its actor system in the context of ASP.NET. In there I have a API…
3 answers DI - How to inject two actors thru DI?

What I am trying to do is to pass the two actors (mummy actor and daddy actor) to kid actor. As it's the best practice to use the actor reference instead of actor, I used IActorRef for both mummy actor and daddy actor to be injected thru DI with…
Michael Sync
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0 answers

Akka.NET Cluster Client

I try to create application using Akka.NET. The main goal is to make a server that can handle many client connections and requests at the same time. I chose Akka.NET for this. I have a cluster, which now consists only 1 node. I also have cluster…
2 answers

clustered consistent hash pool producing new routee for same mapping

I have a solution with 2 command line projects that creates an cluster with a seed and client process. The seed starts the cluster and then instantiates a consistent-hash-cluster-router that performs hash mapping on any message that…
S. Harrap
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1 answer

How do I resolve: Akka.Remote.EndpointDisassociatedException?

I have some code that involves remote deploying actors onto a separate process. I am getting: Akka.Remote.EndpointDisassociatedException [WARNING][3/24/2017 1:54:32 PM][Thread 0008][[akka://system1/system/endpointMana …
Scott Nimrod
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1 answer

System.Format exception when consuming Akka.Persistence configuration

I am struggling to troubleshoot a System.Format exception that results from parsing my Akka.Net config file. I know that the exception stems from the persistence block of the configuration: persistence{ journal { plugin =…
Scott Nimrod
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