Questions tagged [akavache]

Akavache is an asynchronous, persistent (i.e. writes to disk) key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications in C#. Think of it like memcached for desktop apps.

Akavache is an asynchronous, persistent (i.e. writes to disk) key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications in C#. Think of it like memcached for desktop apps.

85 questions
2 answers

Build error when using Akavache + Mobile Center in a UWP project

I have UWP app and use Akavache. After adding MobileCenter NuGet packages I have this problem whith building app: Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'SQLitePCLRaw.batteries_v2.dll'. Source…
Make Makeluv
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1 answer

Xamarin.iOS / Akavache - Encrypted Cache with custom EncryptionProvider

I have a Xamarin.iOS app that is using Akavache to cache data and reduce the number on unnecessary requests to the server for data. Everything is working great as expected using BlobCache.LocalMachine, love it. Now I would like to make sure that the…
Dmitry Samuylov
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1 answer

Xamarin.iOS / Akavache / Encrypted Cache Working Example

Does anyone have and is willing to share a working example of using Akavache in a Xamarin.iOS project (ideally without any other add on ui frameworks, as bare bones as possible) implementing a custom EncryptionProvider so that the Secure cache is…
Dmitry Samuylov
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1 answer

Akavache Invalidate

I want to delete the object from akavache like this BlobCache.LocalMachine.Invalidate("key"); But the compiler got me the error warning "The type 'Unit' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly…
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Akavache's GetObject hangs when awaited. Any idea what is wrong here?

I have a Xamarin.Forms application, with this code in my App class (yes, this is just a sample to demonstrate the issue): public App() { BlobCache.ApplicationName = "MyApp"; BlobCache.EnsureInitialized(); // The…
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3 answers

How to use Akavache in LINQPad?

According to the platform specific notes for Akavache: .NET 4.5 Desktop (WPF) - You must mark your application as x86, or else you will get a strange runtime error about SQLitePCL_Raw not loading correctly. Right now I'm just trying to test out…
Jon Comtois
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3 answers

Akavache not persisting cache data between app restarts

I've got a Xamarin Android project, using a shared PCL library, and I decided to use Akavache as a temporary data store (to store some simple login state info, to save relogging in every time). So I added the Akavache and Akavache.Sqlite3 nuget…
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Akavache GetAndFetchLatest never calls fetchfunc

Working with Akavache for past couple of days. I have several methods which is using GetAndFetchLatest method but some methods never calls the fetchFunc and the issue is occuring randomly for all functions. public async Task
Murugan Durai
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0 answers

Akavache BlobCache.Secure is null on Android

I am trying to use Akavache to store data securely in my Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android project. All seems to be OK on iOS, but it fails on Android saying BlobCache.Secure is null. Before accessing the cache I set it up…
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1 answer

How can I set JsonSerializerSettings for Akavache?

I have set the global converter defaults for JSON.NET like so: var jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new QuestionTypeConverter() } }; …
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2 answers

How do I clear out a Akavache database?

I am using Akavache for a cache of local objects. I'd like to be able to delete everything in the database (so it is as if it was the first time the program was run). I've seen the Vacuum method, but that only removes old items that have expired.…
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3 answers

Akavache no such table: SchemaInfo

I am trying to use Akavache with Xamarin. I've installed Akavache package from NuGet to Android and Windows Phone projects. Initialization: BlobCache.ApplicationName =…
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1 answer

Akavache Unit is defined in an assembly not referenced: System.Reactive.Core version Not available on nuget

I'm using the latest version of xamarin forms (as of 12/17/17) and I'm unable to use the following line in akavache: await BlobCache.UserAccount.InsertObject(key, value); Without getting the error: The type 'Unit' is defined in an assembly that is…
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0 answers

Cross app key sharing with Akavache Xamarin

I have implemented the Akavache to work with my Xamarin.Android app. The saving and retrieval of keys work fine. I wanted to achieve a single sign on experience over two of my apps. I wanted to know if there is a way I can share the keys saved from…
Pooja Gaonkar
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1 answer

Async await call does not return

I have a problem, where i call an async method, and the call does not return back. I assume its a race of threads. How do I write this correctly? This is where it starts. I first call an async method called "GetCachedValuesAsync" public void…
Libin Joseph
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